Tray Ceiling Question


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I struggled with a tray ceiling earlier today and wound up just making it as a 3D solid due to time.


I have not used the tool much, but have watched the videos.  Just a simple grid / box dropped 6" from the ceiling plane as shown in white below:








I was wondering...


a) Will the tray ceiling tool work for this layout?  I just couldn't get it to work.


It seemed to me that the tray tool wants to work from the room outside perimeter in.  I could not figure out how to have a tray at the room interior with a perimeter of unchanged ceiling height around it...


b) if not, what's the best way?


Thanks again,





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Hey Jim, for your application, the tray ceiling really isn't the right tool. The Tray ceiling tool is really best used for larger areas and to easily create the raised portion.

For tray ceiling that is simply built down, like yours, the soffit tool is the best option because you can set it to build directly under the ceiling and you can apply moldings / lights to a soffit.

If none of those options are needed, then there's nothing wrong with using 3d solids. Keep in mind that 3d solids have line weight display issues when toggling between views so they may not display correctly in your final plan set.

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