Change individual stair tread lengths?


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I am looking to change the individual tread length on a stair section so that the lengths alternate. This is a U shaped stair and on the first section I would like to alternate between 78" and 39" for each tread. Is this possible? I see the sizes in the components list but no way to adjust them. Picture attached for what I am trying to accomplish. 


Thanks in advance!


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  • Solution

Ooo fun challenge!!


Started with a basic U-Shaped stair, 0" gap.

Open it and on the General panel set Tread Depth to Lock Number, uncheck Automatic Height.

On the Style panel uncheck Allow Wrap, this is important, otherwise you can't have stairs side-by-side like you'll need.

Copy that lower section next to the original (I'd suggest Copy/Paste, Point to Point Move).

Open the copy, make sure Lock Top is set then change the tread depth to twice the original (ex: if the original is 11" set them to 22"), and the tread count to 1/2 the original minus 1 (in my example there were 8, so dropped it to 3), and set riser height to twice the original (ex: from 6 3/4" to 13 1/2").

This is because the first tread of the right side can't be half-height. Draw it in as a Landing (you'll have to set it's height and thickness manually)

 I suppose you could keep it 4 treads and sink it into the floor but that's rather inelegant.

Oh, and on the right stair, be sure to check Riser Surface at Top Landing on the style panel.

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12 hours ago, Doug_N said:

That would definitely be an accident location just waiting to happen.


Totally agreed Doug. Perhaps it's unfinished? This kind of stuff happens though. 


Many years ago a so called famous interior designer specifically asked for no handrails.  


I told her that she must have a really good lawyer. Crickets. 

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On 7/18/2024 at 12:22 PM, VHampton said:


Totally agreed Doug. Perhaps it's unfinished? This kind of stuff happens though. 


Many years ago a so called famous interior designer specifically asked for no handrails.  


I told her that she must have a really good lawyer. Crickets. 

Agreed.  I know that my stamp wouldn't be on the drawing!

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