Wall Height Problem


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Somehow, I have a wall that does not reach the ceilings. The design is a renovation of an existing industrial office/shed with a suspended ceiling throughout.

I have created a model/symbol of the steel portal shed and placed it within the single-storey structure. This is not shown in the images below, but I mention this to indicate the plan has some hidden unusual application.




The ceilings are generally set at 2700, however the room below is set at 3000, but for some reason all the walls does not reach the ceiling. This only shows in the Room Specification menu.


Plan View


These short walls do not show in the elevations or sections. In some areas, the fire and acoustic walls continue through the ceiling to the underside and show correctly in elevation.

I have put up this problem until the program does not allow me to place wall cabinets.

These short walls only appear in the room specifications. The walls are not set as capped or rail walls.


The room elevation is displayed correctly.

The drawing is complex and messy, so there is every chance I have created a conflict, however I cannot find it.

Any suggestions?

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Yes, I did do that while waiting for a response. Probably the best and simpliest method as my plan file has become congested mutliple revisions.


No doubt the wall height issue will be resolved with a new start :)

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