Barndominium Help


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Hello all, I am very new to CA. Have HD Pro 2024, Build I started on my design a few months ago, and I am stumped with what is hopefully an easy issue.


My building is erected on a slab and insulated, so outside of adding one wood frame exterior wall under my awning, I just need to create my plan and drawings for the interior walls and interior build-out. I would like to have the software generate material lists but I can not figure out how to "turn off" or hide the exterior walls, slab, and roof. 

I searched other posts here and on help FAQ, and seems like most have trouble getting the shell, but I need the parts inside the shell. 

Much respect and admiration to you guys who do this day in and day out!





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HD has its own site and forum- may want to try and post there.

Other than that, what you are asking is very vague- 

Any way you go, I would suggest starting with some training videos to help understand the software-

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