Horizontal Keynote Schedule (?)


Go to solution Solved by rgardner,

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I've got my plan keynotes set up as a vertical list on the right side of my plan sheet which works just fine for the bulk of my projects:





Well, I knew the day would arrive and now I have a large house with a wide floor plan.  Accordingly, I want to set up my keynote schedule horizontally across the bottom of the sheet.  Like this:




(This example was done in Autocad, whose table object allows for multiple columns).


Can this be easily done in Chief?  I think the answer is "no," but thought I'd run it by the forum.  I can see a messy workaround like multiple layout boxes pasted next to each other....


Thanks again for your help,




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Glad somebody else uses sheet notes.  I love these things, rids so much clutter.  I use them for my elevations and electrical plans too.  However, to answer your question, I have not found a way, but I also haven't had the list you've had either.  Would be a good thing to find out.  I am not a custom macro guy, many on here are though.  I wonder if a macro could be written for this? 

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