Stack Rafters 'Over' Ridge Beam?


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I would have NEVER for the life of me come up with the idea to make a micro ridge.  Wow.  You are probably good at complex puzzles.  That is a helluva work around suggestion.


When I get stuck like this, my default is 3D polyline solid...I know, the cheater way.


Lately I've been creating accurate 3D framing drawings with sketchup.  But then I am importing a .jpg, .png, or .pdf so that's a pain when something gets changed.

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My suggestion upthread is hereby amended.  I'd forgotten that you can simply uncheck "ridge" in the framing dialog for roof planes, and that when you draw the ridge as a roof beam after framing the rafters it is properly located under them.  If you want a beveled top on that beam, sawn and not a seat piece stacked, and you want to see it in 3D, you'll do the beam as a solid.  Or you can jack it up with a move, and annotate with a detail that the top end of the rafters all get a small birdsmouth.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 103802.png

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