Is There A Way To Show Framing And Block Pony Wall? (Video)


Recommended Posts the Perspective Framing Overview? The pony wall is on the "Walls, Normal layer by default and turning that on displays all the wall surfaces. I place the pony wall on another layer but it also displays all the surfaces. Surface delete works but I was wondering if there's another way to show the CMU block pony wall and the framing without using surface delete?




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Share on other sites the Perspective Framing Overview? The pony wall is on the "Walls, Normal layer by default and turning that on displays all the wall surfaces. I place the pony wall on another layer but it also displays all the surfaces. Surface delete works but I was wondering if there's another way to show the CMU block pony wall and the framing without using surface delete?

I could not figure it out.  It seems like that if we check main layer only and unchecked layers,  we should get what you want.... but a no go from here.


I think I have gone through this before and the only option was using the surface delete tool.

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