Room Values Macro


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Short answer is no.  There are no custom macros that will work like you're suggesting.  We're limited to the object attributes (name:value pairs) Chief gives us.  Rooms don't report any information about doors or windows contained within their boundaries, walls report a little information about opening area but none about specific windows/doors and the windows/doors themselves only report the name of whatever room(s) they belong to. 

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1 hour ago, KilianDrafting said:

Thank you both for weighing in. I thought since you can create a material list from a room, there might be some way to automate the info similarly.


You bet.  Just to be clear, there are ways to partially automate.  Just nothing OOB and nothing quite like what you've described.  If you're wiling to pay for a little of my consulting time, I could for example set up a custom system for you where you could select the desired objects and automatically generate some desired output from the selected objects.  Here's a simple example where I select the desired windows and in just a few seconds I have the displayed text box.  The text box isn't dynamic but all the tabulation and calculations are automatic:



The whole process for this one wall takes about 30 seconds...a little less if you don't get distracted by an incoming phone call.

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