Changing label orientation in elevation view


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I have a plan that I rotated 90 degrees in plan view so it would fit on my paper size in layout. In doing this I rotated my labels 90 degrees in plan view so they were also property oriented. When I did my elevations all my labels are now oriented incorrectly and no matter what I change in my label options I can't get the elevation labels to rotate. What am I not doing correctly? Isn't there a way to rotate the elevation labels and not effect the plan view labels? Should I have not rotated my labels when I rotated my plan view 90 degrees? I'm sure I'm missing something very basic here. As always, any and all advice is very much appreciated. 

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While I agree with Michael's suggestion that it would be better to rotate the layout view instead of the plan, I can't figure out how rotating a label in plan view has any affect on the label in an elevation view.  The label position and orientation in an elevation view are independent from plan view.  The only thing I can think of that might affect this is the "rotate with plan" setting in the text style.  A picture or plan might help.



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41 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

Why did you rotate in plan view instead of simply rotating in layout?


Michael..............My "thinking" was when it was rotated on the layout the text was oriented wrong. I wanted the text oriented with the length of the paper for easy reading. I rotated the labels in plan view when I made the schedules. The problem is the rotation effected both the plan and the elevation views. I didn't think, when I started the design, it would not fit on the paper "up and down" or I would have laid out the plan different from the start. Maybe (I'm sure) I approached this whole "rotation thought" wrong right from the beginning. If you, for whatever reason, wanted to rotate your plan on layout and wanted the text oriented "left to right" once rotated, how would you go about doing so? Am I making any sense. I know I've had way too much coffee this morning. :blink:

DBCooper..........I "think" I answered your question in the above area. :mellow:

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2 hours ago, Larry_Sweeney said:

If you, for whatever reason, wanted to rotate your plan on layout and wanted the text oriented "left to right" once rotated, how would you go about doing so?


I actually do it both ways depending on the plan.  It might help if you were to post an example plan showing the label issues you're seeing.  The best solution may depend a bit on exactly which labels (and for which objects) you're referring to.  I usually just uncheck Rotate with Plan though.

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