Copy dimensions floor to floor and remain attached to things?


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Have multiply floors that are identical. X13

I dimension one floor interior/exterior/windows etc.

I can copy the dimensions to the next floor but they are "dumb" and not attached to walls/windows anymore.

It works but leaves an x marks the spot marker ( can the points be turned off ?) and it would be better if dims were connected.

Does a magic button exist to copy the dimensions and be attached to the same items on the next level??

Thank You in advance


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They won't attach on another floor/level. Single click on the copied dimension on the floor they were copied to. The "diamonds" that attach to the markers can be moved to the place you want the dimension to go. Unfortunately, you will have to do this for all of them. Usually easier to just re-dimension IMHO.

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I agree I would like the ability to stay connected to something in the same location as I use the copy and paste in place sometimes for the next string.


But if you have a bunch of identical floors you could just dimension the one floor and use the reference display for each floor above just referencing the dimensions.  Won't see the point marker.  Won't be smart dimensions but will also save some work.

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5 hours ago, rgardner said:

I agree I would like the ability to stay connected to something in the same location as I use the copy and paste in place sometimes for the next string.


But if you have a bunch of identical floors you could just dimension the one floor and use the reference display for each floor above just referencing the dimensions.  Won't see the point marker.  Won't be smart dimensions but will also save some work.

This is some next level back door trickery, but Chief has a bit of a quirky behavior we can take advantage of for things like this and it also has a number of other extremely useful applications.  I almost hate to mention it for fear they’ll “fix” it but I’m gonna anyway:


You can use Edit Area to select dimension strings and place them on another floor.  As long as you ONLY select the dimensions themselves, they will actually remain tied to the original object(s).  New or existing nodes however can also be attached to objects on the current floor.  You can use this behavior for all manner of things but a few that come to mind rather quickly are things like:

  • Stacked floors that have matching dimensions like you already mentioned.  The reference display also works, but the problem with the reference display is that the dimensions can’t be positioned or formatted independently on a view by view basis and you can’t add or modify segments for any slight differences like bay window bump-outs.
  • Dimensioning plumbing drops.  Using this method you can actually have a dimension that references the actual fixtures on the floor above.
  • Dimensioning cantilevers.  Again, a dimension can accurately represent both the wall on the current floor and the wall on the floor above and/or below.   The dimension on the current floor will adjust automatically for any changes to walls above/below.

Anyway, those are just a few simple and relatable examples.  I won’t get into it all right now, but it’s a handy little trick. 


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