rotate terrain but leave building plan as is?


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I know this has been talked about before but I can not find it and I can't figure out how to do it again.
I have a house drawing and I have the terrain drawn and I would like to orient the house differently on the terrain. I want to keep my house drawing square with my plan so it would need to be the terrain itself that has to rotate. I can rotate the terrain perimeter but that doesn't rotate the elevation lines etc. When I select the perimeter and all the elevation lines, i am not able to rotate the whole thing.

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When I select everything to rotate, rotating is not an option. there is no rotation handle and in the transform replicate the rotate is not an option.
I can select one element and rotate but if I select all, it is not an option.

Here is the plan with just the terrain and perimeter and a plot sat image.

just terain.plan

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3 minutes ago, robdyck said:

Your problem is this added light. Select all, then deselect the light. You'll be good to go. Or turn off the added light layer!


Very good, thank you. It's always something simple but this one was kicking my butt. I don't know why I had that light source there in the first place.

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2 minutes ago, builtright3 said:

My only question is; Why wont it rotate with the light attached? Never have understood that. Could you tell me?

Nope. An added light that is a Point Light won't rotate even on its own, but an added light that is a spotlight will rotate on its own and with a group of objects.

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