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I don't use CA myself, but I'm the tech guy for a business that does. We do automatic daily online backups of all important data files to a cloud backup company. One of the employees has a laptop that he uses for CA projects. I need to be sure that I'm backing up all files that would be needed to recreate everything in its entirety in case he would have a hard disc failure. I'd appreciate information on what folders need to be backed up to accomplish this. Using Chief Architect Premiere X7. Thanks!

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Backup UserLibrary

C:\Users\<user_name>\OneDrive\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X7 Data\Database Libraries\User_Library.calib


Backup Archives

C:\Users\brown\OneDrive\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X7 Data\Archives


Backup Plans and Docs

<plan and layout locations> and any supplemental folders with docs, pdfs, tif's [surveys], etc


BaCKUP - CA Libraries and Manufacture libraries 

C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X7\*



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I would just backup the entire Chief Data Folder along with the Users'  "Plans/Clients Folder" if that is not keep in the Chief Data Folder too.


\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X7 Data


+ Plans\Clients Folder if not in the Data Folder above.


Make sure he has a copy of the X7 Installer AND ALL additional LIBRARIES he has saved in the past too , as they cannot be re-downloaded without a paid SSA agreement. ( Core libraries can but not all the Bonus and Manufacturer Libraries except the free ones)



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  • 1 month later...


My "My Documents" folder on my work computer is actually on our server. I would like everything Chief Architect uses "My Documents" for to go in a different folder. How do I re-direct everything that references "My Documents"?


Thank you,



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