Importing MS EXCEL


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There was an article in the data base that explained how to import MS Excel into a plan . I have a table file I'd like to import so I dont' have to recreate a table/legend. How is this done in CA...the link to the CA article is broken ( ). Anyone got a cheat sheet on how to do this...?

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It imports as a rich text file with only the part you selected and copied in excel. highlight and select the applicable part of you excel file -- It helps if the first and last fields contain something as that defines the limits of the input. The SS part should be brought into a rich text box. The procedure is: Highlight and copy the desired SS part. Right click and select paste special. Select Rich Text. You can then open the rich text box and make any changes you want: including modifying fields or filling in empty fields. you can not change the number of rows/columns. You can also use macros in the fields.

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