Fascia boards and eaves


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Does anyone have any good online resource pages to demonstrate different types of eave types?  I have many great architecture books but none really focusing on eaves and gables. Ive realized to really distinguish the types of architecture themes for elevations requires distinctive eaves. 


When adjusting the fascia boards in chief I noticed if you are looking to minimize the fascia boards (lets say for a spanish style) with exposed rafters and perhaps a gutter but with little to no fascia boards sometimes you see underneath the roofing.  Is there a magic number to stay within when dealing with chiefs roofing in reducing fascia boards?  A lot of question in one post!

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Thanks Jon and Perry.  I had no picture because I hadnt started on a particular elevation but am working on five different distinct floor plans and each elevation is going to be very unique.  I noticed often times the gable and eave defaults put a large fascia board and it can make the design looked dated.  I have played with the numbers on the fascia board dbx but noticed sometimes it can create a missing area that you can see between the layers in the roof if its not the 'right' number.  Some elevations like some spanish elevations like this one at the gable have no fascia boards but just tile to the stucco wall...http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=8dt7OVqm&id=F8984831772BE7C5D828508DA6AD0D18F4E32F6B&thid=OIP.8dt7OVqmgkw7XrukEcOyNgEgDY&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.home-designing.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2008%2f10%2f81.jpg&exph=768&expw=1024&q=spanish+homes+&simid=608018133795081175&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0


For this example of this spanish house would you set the fascia board to 0 on the gables?  How would you get the tile on the edge of the gable like shown in the picture, would that be a molding polyline?

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Not sure if you saw this thread or not but you could likely just continue on from where I left off and add another Polyline Distribution Path line for the fascia tiles with the correct orientation as well as a finishing tile as Joe suggested but likely for those to stay attached they are one piece but just guessing at this point..  Not so common in my area for some reason.



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