Room Number Prefix to Callout


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Making my room numbers 100-Bath, can someone show me a macro that will work in a call out to display 100?

Numbers will always be 3 characters, and the dash may or may not be used.

This is a qick fix for a current plan due tomorrow by noon & I have bother Michael too much already.




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Only one floor on this project.

24 rooms & 5 Hallways, not sure yet if the hallways will need numbers but I bet yes.

Government building interior remodel & they are very picky.

I have a preliminary plan due tomorrow so I added 101- as a prefix to the Room Name.

But I will need Callouts and turn the Room Name off for other sheets.


My wife is calling me for dinner so that's it for today.

Thanks Michael I'll take that up in the AM.


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I added the 100- , 102-, 10n- to all room numbers manually.

I want the call out  to contain  the room name but only the first 3 characters of the room name

In other words a macro that uses and returns only the first 3 characters.

This is a quick fix to the Schedule problems.

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13 minutes ago, ACADuser said:


I added the 100- , 102-, 10n- to all room numbers manually.

I want the call out  to contain  the room name but only the first 3 characters of the room name

In other words a macro that uses and returns only the first 3 characters.

This is a quick fix to the Schedule problems.

Currently, the manual method is probably the best.  I've been fighting this problem for some time and have repeatedly asked CA to provide a "Room Context" for user macros.  That is the only way that user macros are going to be able to be used to consistently format the Room Labels as we want and match the schedule.

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This gets so stinking annoying.  I've concocted and utilized probably a dozen different room naming and numbering systems but due to a major lack of necessary controls and a crapload of inconsistencies, every single one of them falls short in some area and only works for one or 2 scenarios and only under the perfect conditions...


  • One method we're stuck using the "R" prefix with no way of displaying only the schedule number in a callout
  • Another method we can display a modified schedule number in the room label but not in the schedule
  • Another method we can display the room name in one layer set and a sort of callout with a modified schedule number in another layer set but only if we want them in the exact same location in the room...and the room name will be blank in the schedule...and again we can't have a matching schedule number in the schedule.
  • Another method will allow for just about everything we want but it requires manually placing a bajillion different macros and will only work for up to 19 rooms per floor...and the schedule becomes ridiculously slow to work with.
  • Another method is super simple to work with and allows for a custom schedule number in both the room label and in the room schedule,  but doesn't allow for the callout, can't be used in a Rich Text box, and limited to 19 rooms per floor.
  • Another method will get us just about everything, doesn't have the 19 room limit, doesn't have a slow schedule, but requires a customized font if we want a matching schedule number in the room schedule.  


...and those are just the methods I'm remembering off the top of my head for the purposes of this rant.


The simple fact is that we have no direct control over the schedule number prefix, we have no built in global macro for the schedule number, we have no built in global macro for the room type name, we have no column in the schedule for the room type name, schedules only properly recognize the first 20 macros used in them and only recognize the schedule as the owner instead of the room, schedules won't display any macros used in the default room label, any macros used in the default room label are always appended to the room name, we have no way of modifying any of the values displayed using Chief's default global variables, we have almost no control over any values if we want to use Rich Text room labels, the list goes on and on and on.  Sometimes I seriously think about giving up on Chief.  I feel like we keep getting tossed little dog treats one by one, a couple a year, and only when we beg for them repeatedly.  It just gets really frustrating. 

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1 hour ago, ACADuser said:

I applaud your persistance Michael.


What is the ruby code to return the first 3 characters of

I'll live with the prefix in the schedule but I want a callout to have the prefix only.


Sorry, but that is also not possible currently.  Basically it's for the same reasons Michael enumerated above.

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What a shame.

You Ruby guys are handcuffed by Chief's cooperate policies.


Turns out the government has a room numbering policy that says a room opening to another room  will be number 101A and not a new room number.

So my 3 character idea will not work. You would need a delimiter to catch the room number in the string.




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