Flip / Reverse /Mirror a House ??


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I followed this thread at the time and commented on it then. I stand by my statement that it is of great use. Just had another instance of the client deciding that the house would give them a better view and fit the lot better if reversed One click and job done.Then continue with minor changes till client satisfied.

 Have a great week,Ken


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OK, I figured out a method that worked on my little one-story house.


Draw a center (mirror line) & change it to an electrical layer

Turn all layers off except electrical & CAD, Electrical & Text, Electrical etc.

Use the CAD detail from view to make a copy of your electrical only.

Go back to your plan & delete all electrical.

All on Layer set, Use Edit ALL & Mirror tool to flip the house.

Back to CAD Detail, Select All, Ctrl X

Back to plan and Ctrl Alt V

All my electrical staid in place.


I'm happy as a clam.


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As far as I am concerned, reversing electrical with plan, and the deleterious results from doing so is a bug that has only been partially fixed.   Started with X9, I prefer to reverse with edit area just like you, but have ended up with the same trouble.  Initially it didn't matter reverse command or edit area, the electrical was been getting scrambled.  It now works with reverse (but not solidly).  I have tried 'all on' layer set and reversing with no luck.  I appreciate the work around you devised and will give it a try.

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I've found very little difference between Reverse Plan tool and using Edit Area.  I think they do the exact same thing, except Reverse Plan is picking a reversal line that's center of what's drawn, and not necessarily an exact Y coordinate.  So I like Edit Area because I can control center of reversal - nothing ends up at an X coordinate with 8 decimal places.


The things that get lost in translation seem to be to be equally fubar either method.



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As far as I am concerned, reversing electrical with plan, and the deleterious results from doing so is a bug that has only been partially fixed.


If you think it's a bug, then you should report it to tech support.  As a general rule, you shouldn't expect bugs to get fixed if you don't report them to us.  Keep in mind that discussing it on Chieftalk is NOT the same as reporting it.


Regarding Alan's solution, in my opinion, this is not a good solution.  Basically, by doing a view to cad detail you are converting all of your "smart" electrical objects into simple cad objects.  You have then lost all of the attributes that actually make them electrical objects. 


A better solution is to use the reverse plan tool.  If you still want to use the edit area tool, I think it works better if you reflect about a line that is completely off to the side of what you are reflecting.  It looks like the program is only getting confused when you are reflecting the plan around the center of the drawing.  If needed, you can also use edit area to move the drawing back into the position you want.


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6 hours ago, WendyatArtform said:

I've found very little difference between Reverse Plan tool and using Edit Area.  I think they do the exact same thing


They actually ARE a little different.  Edit Area can obviously be used in several different modes, you have to make sure you're using it in the right mode for the task at hand, and often times you must be sure you have all the appropriate layer's turned on or off.  Reverse Plan on the other hand seems to have been made for a very specific purpose...That is to flip the entire plan on the lot with a single click.  No need to make sure you're in the right mode, that you have all the appropriate items selected, or that you have all the right layers on/off.  Simply reverse plan and everything except the terrain and terrain features get flipped. 


Is it the best tool for the job?  I suppose that totally depends on what you need to do.  I think it does have its place in the toolbox though.

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The difference for myself in using edit area is I can control the placement on layout better than with reverse plan.  Typically, I keep a lot of my ancillary information with my plan file and not in layout.  If this is right or wrong I don't know, it is just the habit I have gotten into; when I reverse plan (usually the reverse of an existing plan that has to be sited on a new lot) I have to fuss with changes of orientation on layout, because everything reverses instead of just the house as I used to do with edit area. 



I have reported and your folks generally fixed what was disastrous initially in the release of X9, reverse plan but not the edit area.  --- It is pretty simple choose a plan that you have wired and use both ways.  With the reverse everything - the switches, outlets, etc. pretty much stay put.  Use edit area you'll find switches, smoke dectectors can end up on the other side of the house with wire arcs totally disconnected.  Consider this reported to you - Try it.

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7 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:


They actually ARE a little different.  Edit Area can obviously be used in several different modes, you have to make sure you're using it in the right mode for the task at hand, and often times you must be sure you have all the appropriate layer's turned on or off.  Reverse Plan on the other hand seems to have been made for a very specific purpose...That is to flip the entire plan on the lot with a single click.  No need to make sure you're in the right mode, that you have all the appropriate items selected, or that you have all the right layers on/off.  Simply reverse plan and everything except the terrain and terrain features get flipped. 


Is it the best tool for the job?  I suppose that totally depends on what you need to do.  I think it does have its place in the toolbox though.


 Ah yes - very true.  Definitely need to understand Edit Area and use correct mode.  For a whole house reversal, we use Edit Area (All Floors).  


I put any terrain info I don't want affected on my windows clipboard first (like elevation data).  Then reverse.  Then copy/paste-hold to put it back.  That way I get everything I do want (like driveways, plants, plant beds...) to reverse, while not altering the nature of the planet.





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Consider this reported to you.


I'm sorry but it doesn't work this way.  Discussing problems on Chieftalk is not the same as reporting problems, even if you are discussing them with me.  I often post on this forum when I don't have any access to the program or our internal databases.  I don't have time to follow up with people to get their system information, sample plans and exact steps to repro their problems.  If I was to spend all of my time reading Chieftalk and reporting bugs for people, I wouldn't be able to spend much time actually fixing them.  If you think the problem is something that needs to be fixed, then you need to report it to tech support. 

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43 minutes ago, Dermot said:


I'm sorry but it doesn't work this way.  Discussing problems on Chieftalk is not the same as reporting problems, even if you are discussing them with me.  I often post on this forum when I don't have any access to the program or our internal databases.  I don't have time to follow up with people to get their system information, sample plans and exact steps to repro their problems.  If I was to spend all of my time reading Chieftalk and reporting bugs for people, I wouldn't be able to spend much time actually fixing them.  If you think the problem is something that needs to be fixed, then you need to report it to tech support. 


I fully understand and agree, but as I said I have reported and there was a fix just not 100%.  I was simply taking an obstreperous approach with you to see if that could make a difference.

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Sometimes we fix problems but our fix is incomplete because we only fixed the problems we saw and not the ones you saw.  This is another reason why reporting problems to tech support is so important.


The good news is that we were able to identify some problems with the edit area tool dealing specifically with electrical objects attached to walls.  We are working on a fix for this but I want to be sure that it is 100% fixed.  If you report your specific problems to us, then we can be more confident that our fixes will solve them.

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