Room Dialog Problems


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Hello, when I right or left click on a room to open the room dialog all the rooms on my plan go grey, and only the room specification box comes up. I only want to open one room but I can't very strange this has never happened before any thoughts? I've attached the plan file.





Zahn Deck III.planFetching info...

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I fixed my own problem; for some reason when I attached the lower deck to the house on the left side the room dialog got messed up, I'm not sure why. I pulled the lower deck away from the house and now I can open the rooms individually.

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This was interesting.  I think you uncovered a bit of a bug.  The question is,  suppose you wanted a wall to connect the deck to the house.


The deck on left can be attached,  no problem.

The deck on right cannot be attached to house.....  unless you put a separation between the two deck rails that abut each other and run  up and down the page.


IOW,  your plan works fine as long as you separate  the two deck rails that run parallel and abut each other.  A 1/2" separation is all that is needed.

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