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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Trying to salvage this to print it- this is locking up in the original plans. So thought he copy all, paste and hold position- thought that was what I did to solve it the last time but age could be winning here. So this is what I'm getting- some things on the second floor, some on the first- but in camera they all look to be in the proper place. What don't I get?
  2. Looking for something that may be there- link on this board to leagacy forum takes me back to this board, advanced search is yieling no results from the old forum. Any clue?
  3. What it says- locks up when I go to print layout- can't change printer, size anything. had this a few weeks ago and seemed to be related to missing layers, thought I had that solved. Not sure if it is the same plan. When I had that tech support told me to clear the "update automatically" which I was unable to at the time. Managed to do that but still Have tried clear printer info, resetting drawingsheet size, changing the default printer in the plan, reopening. nada. Any help please. This is just a tiny little job and it's killing me. I thought I had this on the old forum but can't seem to access that either??
  4. I just ran into this on the laptop. Firefox- Did not clear cookies, if and when I do that it is selective, but have not done that. Did not sign out. Had not had to log in for several days but for the last few had primarily been reading from my phone (where I have not had to sing in again). Thought maybe forum was open in the phone but no it was not. Signed in with no problem. Is there a "time out"? Most of the sites I have to log in are secure and those require sign in each time.
  5. I'd noticed a lag and box saying "reading file" -Checked the location, I have both an SSD and a standard. Turns out preferences points to it on "C" (the SSD) but that is a link to the standard. So I created a folder on C and pointed to that. I can still see the box but it is now too fast for me to read.
  6. Don't know the answer to changing the default, but you could put a 24" cabinet in your library with double doors and use when needed. Not ideal but easier than changing every time.
  7. There are a few cabinets and a few modifications I use often that Chief won't do- recess corner sink base, recessed angled plate rack, side access with glass, non matching interiors, integrated side panels, some angled cabinets, unequal depth pie cut...I can make them in 2020 in a snap, export to cad, open in turbocad, export from that to 3ds or SU but STILL I've had no luck importing them as symbols. So... I eventually have had to build them out or "parts"-loose shelves, seperate backs, cabinet 3/4" or 1/16" deep, stacking multiple cabinets, psolids, loose doors. All in all a PIA but at least I can get there. Once in a while I've had luck creating in a seperat plan-perspective-delete surface add to library- but that doesn't always do what I expect. Most times now when I can't get the DBX to do what I need I go directly to "custom fabrication" Alas I have not always been able to reuse these wonders- sometimes block- library and resuse works out, sometimes open old plan copy and paste works out- most times something quirky happens requiring more work. The upside is it helps when talking with the factory.
  8. The little arrows up in the right corner that show other open tabs- is it possible to either move these to the left side or better yet add a second pair over there? With the default label for the tabs I get several off screen and use these little buttons a lot- keep reaching to the left for them. Looked in customize toolbars but can't find em. And or- is there a way to change the default tab label to make it shorter?
  9. Thanks Scott you're a godsend I know I placed it on the other layer? wonder how I moved it...
  10. Must be something in how I did this- Exported current view of plan to dwg- imported to layer CAD Import- immediately blocked the entirety. Good so far. I went to hide it- unchecked both the layer I have it on "CAD import" and "architectural blocks", it's still shows? Does importing a dwg put everything on it's original layer or something?
  11. I took to using build-molding line some time ago. I end up with a fair number of kitchens that have two variations of molding, also allows me to copy an existing set of moldings from plan to plan. I have better control that way. Just have to watch your heights when moving from an old plan.
  12. Got it Glenn, thanks, have to changed my habits, I'm not alowed off the first floor often so guess that's why I never ran into it.
  13. I was interested in this and looked for Lews suggested program- stumbled around and found that and several others at alternative to
  14. Thanks Glenn, didn't think to look there. What I don't understand is- created on the 2nd floor, shows in elevation on the second floor (where created) and if I copy and paste it to the second floor the pasted one shows in plan and floor camera- So I copied and pasted one to the first floor. Shows up in plan-BUT neither thje original which shows in plan nor the pasted one show up on the first floor if I use the floor camera. Capture with second floor elevation showing original and copy paste, lower floor with both shown in plan
  15. Plan started in X5. Polyline created in backclipped elevation and converted to P Solid. Does not show in floor plan or floor camers. It does show in full camera. Have checkd that the layer is correct and displayed, tried changing layer. Only happening on one plan- doesn't happen on new plans and went and checked two other legacay plans and no problem. Just wondering if I'm missing something before I send it in? In the pics I pulled it out into the aisle just to make sure I knew where it was.