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  1. thanks for your help. I had imported it but it took several hours and I didnt understand the locate the missing files prompt or missed it the first time around I will have to check 3D warehouse again...there was a reason I stopped going there a year or so ago when something changed and I think I couldnt get models like I used to ...I was thinking they staRTED CHARGING FOR ACCESS.
  2. I had my user file somehow mysteriously disappear recently but not sure how or why. I have barely used Chief the last year or so do to some health issues and so the only time i had used it was running 3-4 various past projects on screen during home shows I do a few times a year as marketing and they are just spinning etc for marketing purposes. I use a second monitor then and am using Alienware laptop. I have seen a few point out this has maybe been an issue. Anyway using the board for answers I found out how to find and restore my user library from the Chief X14 Data files but the texture files did not restore with them. I had over the years downloaded lots of art images, photos . logos etc that I could place in art frames, TV screens as well as a bunch of additional granite image / materials to use in models. hose textures are still located in the Chief x14 data libraries folder but wont show in the library or models they are used in as it seems all those texture files failed to restore. Is there a way to fix this ? Is there a way to reload them all at once vs importing materials as I did adding them over time ? I have not been able to find any post about this but then again my brain is a bit slower after a minor stroke . Also If anyone wants a bunch of these images I am happy to share them and many furniture models I have downloaded from 3d warehouse before it went away from free site. I know Chief has improved its library of items over the years so maybe not as big a deal to many. I am not sure how easy it is to d upload the user file/ backup and textures given the size and number but I am willing to try . a Thanks for any assistances
  3. the latest fix seems to have worked for me as crashes yet since the Invidea Driver update
  4. When I open a model made in 2012 on older laptop on new laptop in X12 or X13 the artwork in picture frames or on a tv etc does not come through and it shows blank. Is there a way to make that artwork all transfer with the plan? I notice Cultured stone the manufacturer changed stuff up and they dont transfer either but thats a manufacturer / new owner change I believe. Thanks for any insight
  5. Thats my issue older plans trying to use in 13. For now I only open older files in x12 until they hopefully find a fix
  6. Got mine about 2 months ago... really sweet...only thing i dont love is the keyboard without specific numbers pad... but minor
  7. I recently bought and am so far very happy with... Alienware X17 R1 Laptop Intel i7 4.6 GHz & 32GB ram, NVIDEA RTX 3080 seems to run the PBR ray trace pretty well . it doesnt have a numbers pad due to fans required to cool it so keyboard take a bit of getting used to but not a big issue
  8. Thanks. I dont have x8 still on mine. X10 is oldest. I havent had need for anything older in a few years as far as I can think of so hopefully it wont be an issue for me. Appreciate the feedback
  9. Thanks guys Thats what I thought but wanted to be sure
  10. Looking at my hard drive I am beginning to run out of space especially if I want to download x13 on my older laptop. As I started looking into what I can delete I see I have X10, X11 and X12 all on the list of installed programs and in the program data files I have large Program data files for X8 through X12 with Just under 80 GB taken up by program data files for X8-X11. Is there any reason to not uninstall X10 and X11 and delete the Program data files from X8-X11 ? I am assuming all needed data was transferrred into the next version as new versions came out but wanted to be sure Im not missing something.. I'm still using X12 and will for a bit until plans started in 12 are finished and I have a chance to explore 13. Thanks for any help
  11. I set up most all drawings on 24"x36" and send those out to be printed but my office oversized printer/ photo printer will print up to 13"x19" so when I print on 12"x18" sheets for check sets they are printed at 1/8" scale. Its much better than having prints not to scale. Its just 12x18 is not a paper you find in stores much so I order online. Heres a a link . x 18 copy paper
  12. Thanks, Thats also another way I can use... great minds!
  13. Thanks, I will keep in mind. he seems to have figured it out. he was clicking on the link each time and it was trying to download each time. he signed up and saved the model to his acount and now can open it up when he wants.