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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. no argument that it is not doable, as I already do it as well without polylines (except for the lot),...but it is not implementable in a simple manner. I just think it should be available OOTB, or described by CA as to how to configure it OOTB. other words a standard(live - non polyline) solution by CA
  2. well i just looked around and cannot even find user doc for SP or archicad. SP looks like it has a concept of an area object, just cant tell if it is live or not
  3. that's the "keep all of the items which contribute to the global variables and the resulting calculations, on the same view" method. That works well, you just cant move the resultant calculations off that view. I'm guessing with CA doing more and more on work on schedules lately, there will be a schedule solution to this soon
  4. There is only one way I know to avoid that, and that is to use the filename as a key/check on the variable. Did you find another way?
  5. too bad, I was hoping for a non polyline solution. just be careful if those macros are using global variables. If those are on different sheets than the actual floor, and if you have two open floor plans, you may get results from the other floor plan.
  6. so million dollar question, where is your total for all floors coming from (it's own one line schedule?)
  7. rebuild the framing? probably need to post the plan
  8. I have my template layout linked to my template plan and the four elevations are already on the layout as well as the kitchen layout and a cross section and details linked to the plan. I have a 3d camera linked but it never seems to line up from house to house so it's kind of useless. We're you able to get a 3d camera to work from plan to plan without having to resend to layout?
  9. This is the only way I do it although I use update on demand. I refuse to create images and constantly send them to layout. The downside to this method is the print to pdf takes a lot longer for page sizes larger than tabloid. And it gets worse if you have more than one on layout. I posted some statistics a couple years ago with different dpis and page sizes. ...and every once in awhile the house just moves from the center of the layout box. I haven't figured out the reason
  10. There is a window we'll in the CA library I believe. Just place it next to the window and widen it to suite. It's even corrugated metal to look like the real thing. I do it on every plan as we have to show them on site plans. It even cuts a hole in the terrain
  11. probably a better forum is the off topic. This forum is for the use of the softare. As well you probably need to provide more information, like are there posts underneath a beam, mid span, and is that at the same elevation as the walls
  12. what does an interior camera view of that room look like for those walls?
  13. I will typically check each room and closet to ensure they are actually using the defaults, when this happens
  14. I use it all the time, seems to always work if resizing from the corners. I resize using the X, and then crop by pulling in the top, bottom, left or right part of the layout box
  15. make the house symbols and then put them on a plan with just the roads. I've done one with 14 units and it is fine to render, if that is what they are asking for the render. or are they asking for street view of just one unit or 5. if so that would be even easier. One I sent to rene for a better rendering and he put in nice realistic terrain, but I had setup everything on the plot plan and the house symbols before I sent it to him I agree with Eric, importing the plot plan is simple. I find the roads with the curves more challenging and time consuming if they only are providing non CAD
  16. then why not just create a "scene" which incorporates the 2 palettes(room and furniture) and the backdrop? I'd rather click thru different "snowy" backdrops(with a preview) in the library (by searching for snowy) and watch the scene change, as opposed to sitting there and copy and paste different backdrop names from a script (you would then need to search thru the scripts looking for the one you want, and have to know them by name because you could not actually see what they looked like) Where I think CA could be better is the search and result set, and the requirement to go into the background dialog box to specify it. It would be nice to click on the background in the 3d view, search for snowy (because it knows I clicked on the backdrop so it filters the results for backdrops) and pick the one I want to try, then click the next one. The attributes on the library could use some improvement. For instance I cannot search for a square dining room table which is about 5ft wide.
  17. I dunno, It seems like a lot of typing and knowing what to type. It looks like style palettes for furniture. it uses the keyword "view" to change the backdrop (what if you want a different snowy backdrop, do you type, view: next snowy (reminds me of autocad in the 90s)?). I think I'd rather have a non modal floating window with the different palettes (CA's room, a new one for furniture) where I can see the preview of the different palettes and pick the one I want. I find these types of things, unless they are very very polished, are slower than what could be accomplished with more functionality and more control in the UI.
  18. I think though that you are also dynamically showing the totals with global variables? to for instance only show floor 1 if there is no second floor, but to show both if there is The problem I see with what I showed is one needs to start moving schedules around to make it show nicely between bungalows, single storey and 2 storey where the macro and global variables can take care of that (or at least that is what I do in my living area macro. I never have to move anything around for different number of floors)
  19. One way to do it in the room OIP (object information panel) is to create a new field, format as a number. and then write a macro which decides to include the room or not based on the include option that @ValleyGuy shows in his video. the problem is (as Rene indicated in his suggestion awhile ago) there is no default OIP for rooms. This means you have to select all the rooms using the marquee select similar and then set the macro. The new OIP field has to be set as a number when you create it so it shows in the room totals: create a macro called stdAreaInclude set to be evaluated and object owner which has: stdArea=standard_area include=include_in_living_area if include == true stdArea.to_f else 0 end then create a schedule which includes all floors, and the OIP stdArea as you can see utility is 0 because I excluded it in the room properties and the macro formula sets it to zero Now you have "living Area" totals for all floors. You can then create a schedule for each floor and then place them on top of each other, and only show the totals from this one. but because the rows are dynamic depending on which rooms, you would be constantly moving it around to only show the last row on layout
  20. Shayne, A couple of us have requested CA allow the total of a schedule be sent to a macro variable. This then would allow easy totaling. It may be helpful for you to also make the request if you intend on doing this manner going forward
  21. you might want to log it with CA support. I would think things like this should be fixed, and they may not know about it
  22. but still nothing OOTB like the requestor has...1st floor, 2nd floor,garage, total, **sigh**. I think the most creative approach I have seen is Alaskan son's creative placement of the schedules in order to look like the original request. I personally have a "living area" macro. No polylines, no schedules. I posted its inaugural version awhile back as a concept. works quite well, only issue is when deleting floors, then it needs to be poked to recalculate.