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  1. I was watching the "Schedules & What's Coming Next Video" and Nikki had a question about if there was a way to have a floor plan that showed the cabinet nomenclature and have the elevations show the schedule callout number. You can do this by using a Leader Line, with a very small arrow, and a Referenced Object Automatic Label on the plan with Cabinet Labels turned off in the floor plan view. Then turn on Cabinet Labels in the Elevation. The leader line and label can be copied to other cabinets. Here is a screen shot:
  2. Thank you all for your replies. In the end I did nothing and am going to hold out to see if any changes to schedules are made in X13. Thank you Alaskan_Son, I'm a fan of material eyedropper and painter, I appreciate your post. Steve
  3. That works but I was hoping to find a solution that allowed me to use the Material Eyedropper and Painter.
  4. I'm wrestling with the finish schedule and almost have it worked out but have one last issue. The Room Finish Schedule reports "Drywall, Ceiling Finish Material". Is there a way to get it to stop reporting the "drywall" portion of the ceiling finish material? Thank you,
  5. Some objects, like GFCI's, toilets with a handle, or kitchen faucets with a lever control are tedious to locate. When inserting them into a plan they are located based on the center of the symbol, including the 'GFCI' label or the side handle. Is there a way to redefine the 2D insertion point of these symbols? Thanks!
  6. I found a workaround. You can change the label layer by changing the Symbol Category. Select the object, Select 'Convert to Symbol', and change the 'Symbol Category' to a category that your aren't already using. Geometric shapes and Sprinklers are my go tos.
  7. Hey All, I created the attached file for use when going to measure a house to capture all the default building settings and thought I'd share. As-built Checklist.docx
  8. Thanks! I ended up using the two doorway method and it worked the first time.
  9. How can I create an L-shaped wall opening as shown in the attached picture? I've tried mulling doors and windows together but always get a section of wall/frame between them. thanks!
  10. Hey Steve! Check out page 905 of the Reference Manual, select the elevation symbol, Open Object, and then select Ignore Railings and Invisible Walls. Steve
  11. Is there a way to create a wall elevation for cabinets that extend into an ajdacent room? The wall elevation tool cuts off my cabinets that extend into my dining room. My rooms have different ceiling types too, if that makes a difference. Thanks!