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Everything posted by Hammer7

  1. Very nice. Just a suggestion but when I do a covered slab I use a stamped concrete. It tends to be a little warmer and camouflages the occasional spilled coffee or wine etc.
  2. Thank you, I am a big fan of the spare tire... I was actually able restore it by resetting toolbars which was located in preferences. It solves my immediate problem and I am still working on the diagnostics of the wicked hard crashes. No warning, just total freeze...no "control alt delete" hard shut off to reboot and sometimes multiple attempts to get it to restart. I found the event viewer but I cannot make out what is causing the issue yet.
  3. I've been having some trouble with CA recently and trying to pinpoint the problem. I have a large file that is crashing my computer. Once I was able to restart it I lost my toolbars, resetting has not worked nor has uninstalling and reinstalling the program. I'm at a loss if anyone has any ideas? I can open the file I can create an orthographic view and make changes but I can't even migrate between floors in plan view. I am stuck on the second floor when I open the plan. This is a new one for me....?
  4. Steve Nestor is quite good at dormers.
  5. Good morning, I'm helping someone with an x12 version of a screen porch. I'm following the CA video and all of that is good but my screen is coming in opaque and I can't seem to find the handle to get it to be translucent? screen porch.pdf
  6. On the tall cabinet check the fill and the transparency percentage and compare it to the vanity specs.
  7. Use the display order icon at the bottom toolbar, a black and white page icon.
  8. It's there in the zip, I was able to open it, I forget why the frieze does not generate in these conditions but I'm happy to help with the solve if I can...
  9. Can you show the plan view? I believe your placement might be overlapping by a small margin. Zoom in to see if this is the case.
  10. Also, when in doubt turn all layers on in your camera view and make sure you have the correct layer set for 3D.
  11. I've created my share of strange looking things from user error but this is a new one. Crawl space foundation wall. I checked default and deleted it and reset it and came back....?
  12. Why are labels showing up in layout when they are off in elevation plan view?
  13. Is there a sequential list of training videos that are currently available with links? I realize that some are retired but I'm looking for a master list of everything available?
  14. The problem seems to have something to do with the save attributes creating an infinity problem where length is added to file names, in this case a pdf saved in a layout file.............
  15. Well, necessity being the mother of invention I was searching for solutions and part of the problem was temp files being in hidden folders. By carefully exposing some of these files I was able to free up 22gb of available space on my c drive. I'm certain there is more room available and I'm hoping I can figure out how to step by step delete and uninstall anything unnecessary. Some of what was uncovered is related to importation of older chief files. x13,14, 15
  16. Thank you all for responding. I think the problem might be entirely mine but it shows up with error messages in Chief. I bought a gamer's computer two years ago, 4090 chip I believe with a small primary hard drive 120G and a large secondary drive 500G, I have 10 Gig of program files, have stripped out and cleaned disk restarted and it still says C drive is holding 115 gig with only 4.4gig available. I'm wondering how to rework or reformat everything properly for enough storage. Two or the error messages occured after working for a couple hours only to receive a message that the file was corrupted.
  17. Good morning, I'm looking for a Chief user on PC that I could speak with about hard drive configuration for optimal performance. Some of my resent larger files have been really bogging down my PC performance and looking to find someone that could help me reorganize and speed things up? If there is a Pro out there that someone has worked with before I would appreciate that contact.
  18. ....agree but how do you get the automatic numbering to appear in the construction lines at the beginning of the video?
  19. Make sure your in the right code section for spiral stairs if indeed that is what they are going for. Spiral stairs have a separate section.
  20. Is there a source for specific Simpson hardware objects to add in 3D? Sample hardware.pdf