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  1. How does one get a grade line to show up in an elevation view when I have an accurate import of existing grade? Training video if possible....?
  2. Good morning all, I have the Coronado Stone catalogue downloaded and Tuscan Villa is available as a shape but the "Coal" Color is not available. Is this just a wait until the catalogue is upgraded or is there a way to "paint" this color into a stone color in one's model?
  3. There are CSI folks that specialize in commercial roofing applications if you don't find answers here. You can get some local names from your local commercial supply house.
  4. You will probably have to make it out of polyline solids.
  5. Hello gang, I was not sure what to title this post. I'm trying to heal all of the various components in this view. The railings are creating the room definition but also intersecting my stone in an unsightly way. Does anyone have a solution for this?
  6. Hello, I hope it's ok to reopen this thread and ask if there is a way to add a screen door outswing in front of an existing inswing exterior door?
  7. You can also ask to see a recently approved project as a sample for what they are looking for as it is public record.
  8. Very nice. Just a suggestion but when I do a covered slab I use a stamped concrete. It tends to be a little warmer and camouflages the occasional spilled coffee or wine etc.
  9. Thank you, I am a big fan of the spare tire... I was actually able restore it by resetting toolbars which was located in preferences. It solves my immediate problem and I am still working on the diagnostics of the wicked hard crashes. No warning, just total freeze...no "control alt delete" hard shut off to reboot and sometimes multiple attempts to get it to restart. I found the event viewer but I cannot make out what is causing the issue yet.
  10. I've been having some trouble with CA recently and trying to pinpoint the problem. I have a large file that is crashing my computer. Once I was able to restart it I lost my toolbars, resetting has not worked nor has uninstalling and reinstalling the program. I'm at a loss if anyone has any ideas? I can open the file I can create an orthographic view and make changes but I can't even migrate between floors in plan view. I am stuck on the second floor when I open the plan. This is a new one for me....?
  11. Steve Nestor is quite good at dormers.
  12. Good morning, I'm helping someone with an x12 version of a screen porch. I'm following the CA video and all of that is good but my screen is coming in opaque and I can't seem to find the handle to get it to be translucent? screen porch.pdf