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  1. I'm having some render issues too... Why is this happening? I just upgraded to 15 and this happens every once and a while when trying to render.
  2. All. Where are all the cabinet boxes? It seems that with one of the recent updates I've done, I now have to customize the CA system cabinets to meet the specs of the specific cabinet line I am using. These cabinet manufacturer catalogs only have finishes and doors. Am I missing something?
  3. Hello all. I fixed this problem a while back when I was on X9. It seems to have come back with the changing of some settings. How can I make this go away. Building a roof doesn't seem to solve it, which is something I had read about the last time I looked into this. Any other lighting tips/defaults are more than welcomed. See attached.
  4. I don't mind. Feel free to send me some contact information.
  5. I'm in the Detroit area and looking for someone to take some architectural prints to CA to I can start doing interiors for our client. Don't have enough time to do it myself. Ideally, would like to see them completely by the 24th of June. Please feel free to PM me.
  6. I'm not entirely sure. Take a look. I've been working in CA for three years and attached are a few drawings. WRI_Final_060117.pdf MET_020216.pdf
  7. All. I have recently been approached by a Kitchen and Bath Designer to help her do some of her drawings/take-offs. Does anyone have any suggestions on an hourly rate or how to bid the project?
  8. Good day all, I am using v10 on a MAC. I'm an intermediate user and don't use Ray Trace a TON. 'Doing my first set of traces is v10 and all my setting seem to be off. My ceilings are glowing, the lighting doesn't seem right. Blah blah blah. I have imported defaults from an older file that had my best settings. I have a presentation this afternoon to sell this project anyone able to open this file and see what my deal is?? Oh and I can't figure out where to change my backdrop, either. Did it move? What am I missing? I'm sure it's simple.
  9. I am having a problem with Ray Trace v10 as well.
  10. Eric! This is awesome. I will watch these tutorials. What's even better is that I have a plan to work on now while watching the tutorial. Thank you, thank you.
  11. Hello Annette I have been using CA for a couple of years now doing interiors and minor exterior facelifts. I have dabbled with roofs over that time, but never enough to really have a good handle on them. I would like to take what the architect has drawn up for our client and put it into CA to start illustrating selections as we make them. This roof is beyond me. Does anyone ever post asking for help in doing something I can't? I wish I could just take his files into mine, but haven't ever had any luck with that either. Files attached. Is this something you could help me with? If so, what do you charge. I'd love to screen share and watch you do it to learn for the next time.
  12. Hello all. I have been using CA for a couple of years now doing interiors and minor exterior facelifts. I have dabbled with roofs over that time, but never enough to really have a good handle on them. I would like to take what the architect has drawn up for our client and put it into CA to start illustrating selections as we make them. This roof is beyond me. Does anyone ever post asking for help in doing something I can't? I wish I could just take his files into mine, but haven't ever had any luck with that either. Files attached. If anyone wants to or can help. Maybe I should post this on the services topic.
  13. Hello all. I have been using CA for a couple of years now doing interiors and minor exterior facelifts. I have dabbled with roofs over that time, but never enough to really have a good handle on them. I would like to take what the architect has drawn up for our client and put it into CA to start illustrating selections as we make them. This roof is beyond me. Does anyone ever post asking for help in doing something I can't? I wish I could just take his files into mine, but haven't ever had any luck with that either. Files attached. If anyone wants to or can help. Maybe I should post this on the services topic.
  14. I'm a novice. I can't get my images to even come close to this. I typically only render about 20 passes. We really only use our render to sell a job. I never come back to them and we're already providing something the competition in our area aren't. But the perfectionist in side me won't let it go. This is the kitchen I am pitching tomorrow. What can I do to it to achieve what you have on a simple level