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Everything posted by DianeP

  1. Does anyone have a railing like this they can share or tell me how to go about making it myself. The one I found in the symbols available in our software has 2 x's where I need only one and it has iron balisters where I don't need to have any. Thanks! This is what I am wanting, but need the x's to resize according to available space. this is what chief has available.
  2. Got it. Once I switched to that style it freed up the ability to change the height of the post. Thanks Eric!
  3. Can anyone remind me where to change the height of the posts in the railing so that the top of the post is above the railing? the railing is at 42" and the post is at 38" and is grayed out so I can't change it in this screen of the railing specifications dialog. I know it is something so easy, but I simply can't figure it out. Thanks!!!!
  4. Great info! Thanks so much for the details on how this is done. Now I have an answer for the client, should he question me on having moved the walls.
  5. Thanks for the confirmation Robert. That is what I normally do, but this had me second guessing myself.
  6. Does anyone know if the interior walls that meet with inside corners of an ICF wall have to meet up at the cement center? I have always had it meet at the styrofoam outside edge when I drew plans for the other ICF homes I have done and no one has ever said anything was a problem. This plan was drawn by someone else and I am helping clean it up. I think it doesn't have to meet this way, but I want to make sure.
  7. Thanks Glenn. I'm back on track now, I think.
  8. I think you got it. Let me go back and look at the ceiling material in the structure dialog.
  9. Hi again. Anyone able to spot the reason why this plan isn't showing a ceiling on the first floor. The ceiling plane and ceiling surfaces are both turned on and the room dba has flat ceiling selected. I am trying to help a client clean up their plan. I have attached the plan in x12. Thanks a bunch! Enzian Residence CA.zip
  10. I tried to do it this way but the segments didn't have an option that I could see, to turn off the callout absolute height. I just made a white polylne rectangle and wrote text on top of it the way I wanted it to read. I went back and made the black outline on the rectangle white after I got done.
  11. Hey folks, does any one know if there a way to have the story pole give the the measurement from the floor for the upper stories?
  12. Hey folks, does any one know if there a way to have the story pole give the the measurement from the floor for the upper stories?
  13. Dermot, Is there anyway you can move/copy this topic and the added comments to the suggestion forum? Michael and Gene did a good job describing what would be nice to have for the stair dialog. Love this software!!!!!! Thank you!
  14. Thanks Mick. Maybe one of these days the upgrade will have it.
  15. I have come across this several times. Would love to be able to change the best stair riser default from 6 3/4" to 7 1/2". Any way to do this?
  16. Thanks Robert. I guess I have another habit to develop, lol.
  17. Is there a way to create a layer that won't print? Sometimes I like to put notes to remind myself of something I need to do on the plans, or copy and paste the text from client email instructions so I don't have to go back to the email. Is there a way to put this on a layer where I can see it but it doesn't print? At times I can put it off the printable area of the layout page, but other times, I have something circled and arrows with text pointing to the area that I need to get back to in the future.
  18. Thanks a bunch Steve for taking the time to make this video. I found it most helpful!!!!
  19. Looks like you both got it . I will give it a go. Thanks!
  20. I have tried dragging in the roof plane so that it cuts this wall and it still acts like the wall is there and won't let me center the bonus room window on the gable peak. I have drug the wall down as well and that didn't work. What simple thing am I missing? I have attached the plan. It is in x12. Thanks!!! CA_Jepsen_Residence.plan
  21. Thanks Mark, Robert and Chris. I really appreciate the guidance. And Mark, thanks for the material.
  22. Mark, that's what I need. Let me try to recreate it. Thanks!
  23. Thanks Robert, That's a nice sample. Will it work in vector view? Or only standard view? In vector view, I think I need a new pattern. Trying to get it to look right in vector view on the plans.
  24. I put a grass on it and changed its color and added a shingle texture. Would like it to look better if someone comes up with a better option.