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Everything posted by DianeP

  1. Oh! (palm slap to forehead) Sometimes I just get too deep in the weeds. Thanks for helping me with this!
  2. Has anyone seen an oval island symbol or can you tell me how to make it? I can't find a way to make the base cabinets with an arc front. Thanks!
  3. Very good to know. Michael I was using the single switch when I couldn't get the double and triple to work with the 3 and 4-way. But your information on the dbx helped chopped Saw figure out that that setting was available on the libraries multi gang swiches which will definately help next time. It turns the multi switch into a single switch with the #way assigned. Then i can just manually add more single switches to make the other connections I need work. Thank you both!!!
  4. I am guessing the 2 and 3 way switches available in the library are not "smart" switches as I can't seem to get one of them to become 3 way when I connect two or more separate switches to the same light. I guess I have to go back and replace them with individual switches, which is the way I always have done it, but thought I would try something new. Anyone else get these to work with connections?
  5. Yes, I think you are right, but it still has a different end on it than what I can get my roofs to do. Is it a certain setting that does this type of roof eve?
  6. Eric can you please teach me how you did your eve on the roof over the garage doors. I've set my roof plane to boxed eve but can't get it to look like yours. Thanks!
  7. Good nights sleep and a fresh mind works wonders. The rear porch roof wasn't touching the outside of the upstairs wall. Fixed that and all is good with my CA world.
  8. Hi, I am back again with another issue with this house. This time the ceilings on the open below, and bedrooms 3 and 4 have disappeared. Not sure what I moved/did that caused it. Anyone notice what it could be??? I've attached pictures of how it was, and and what it is like now. I also attached the .plan file. Any ideas on fixing it back like its supposed to be??? Bergman residence 3 CA-2.zip
  9. Well that is neat. I appreciate you sharing it with me Dianne. BTW you have a great name, but you spell it wrong, lol!
  10. That is exactly what I was looking for! thanks! It does take too long to do the search. It would help if there was a cheat sheet for Simpson or the other manufacturers where we could see which one we were looking for before we go to search.... like a laminated page with pictures of the various doors and their code names. Maybe there is something on line or something the manufacturer can email me. I will check. Thanks again!!! Edit: I found this on their website. It lets you narrow the doors down to whether interior or exterior, glass and how much glass (1/2 or 3/4) and then you get a 20 pages of doors. This door was on page 3 numbered as 77506 Nantucket. https://www.simpsondoor.com/find-a-door/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA7NKBBhDBARIsAHbXCB6pFZ5iAjgv1OAzGCm8gJ2POmR76B30iXP7Ix6vmo2RoS1YnlMeR6saAmKREALw_wcB
  11. Great idea!!! I will use that next time. Thanks!
  12. I thought I looked through all their doors. I will go back and double check. Thanks!
  13. Are there any doors available where you can design the height of the panel at the bottom and the add lites to the glass like you can a window?. I have to make this door have 6 lites but it won't allow the lite adjustments.
  14. I think this is close enough. Thanks for the help!!!! On side note ( I may put this under its own topic) are there any doors that you can design that have the panel at the bottom adjustable and the glass allowed to have lites. I have to make this door have 6 lites but it won't allow the lite adjustments.
  15. Sorry I wasn't clear. The gable that is on the front porch that is open with columns underneath the sides. is it something I can use a roofing tool to do or do I have to draw a shape get the thick vault. How do I get it to be open in the gable area, I used both of your suggestions to get me going. I tried to do it with ceiling surface making it 10" thick but it didn't hug the roof eve and it didn't have the "legs" showing on the inspiration picture. I will try my hand and modeling it with a polysolid..
  16. I need some ideas on how to accomplish this from someone that has more expertise than I do. I've always draw them with a beam going across at the bottom supported by the columns. Also, what is the correct wording for this type of roof, if anyone knows.
  17. Agreed! No this is a new plan attempt. I like what you did with the plan,. Maybe I can talk them into it. Certainly would be an easier build.
  18. Duh! Changed the setting as you mentioned Eric and it worked.
  19. I think you are right. There is something with the wall type that isn't right but I have tried to compare the dialogs from a different wall type that works properly and can't seem to see the difference. I have had the same thing happen when I tried to use a screen porch railing wall type. Floor under the porch disappeared on the second floor. Would love to know the setting that needs to be changed for next time.
  20. K, need to have someone make me feel stupid, LoL! Why isn't their a gap where the floor system should show brick going all the way up? Bergman residence 3 CA.plan
  21. Is there a way to generate the support structure for exterior stairs without changing the landings to decks? I am always going back in and adding posts but wondered if there is a better way to do it. What do you folks do? Thanks!
  22. Oh wow, thanks guys for all your help. I think I should be able to work it out now. I'll let you know if I run into complications. THANK YOU!!!!
  23. If you could send the file so I can compare the roof plane locations that would be great. Thanks for your help!
  24. Sorry I am having trouble understanding, I am feeling a little dense right now, so it isn't your fault. Just overworked my brain the last several days. It might rain sometimes in Pensacola, LoL, like in Hurricane Sally or other ground soaking rains that last days where we end up with flooding issues. Definitely need a water tight house here.