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Everything posted by keithhe

  1. Thanks Jintu and Mick. I tried the link Jintu provided last night and the instructions were not at all what I was finding, to include the newer Bin file. They also talk about and .exe file that could not be found, but I did put the folder into the Bin 2.72 and continued. That's where I don't have what they show in the "instructions" from Blender, there was no integrate Corona with a browse option. I tried quite a few things over an hour and a half and finally gave up. Being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I figured someone at Corona was hell bent on me not having this, despite not having said anything unfavorable about them in at least a few hours. Mick, I'll try your updated instructions later and will report how that works. My thanks again for you both !!
  2. Curious if anyone, who does not already have 3d Max, has successfully downloaded Corona? Standalone or otherwise? I have tried, to include the links Jintu was nice enough to provide and nothing works. The first link he listed seems to go through the motions of an installation even saying it was successfully installed, but it never does do so. I tried the Drop Box links to the "stand alone" too and they come back (all of them) with a missing .dll file and please try to reinstall the program. Wanted to try it out, but does not seem it's going to work for me.
  3. That might be the problem I'm having in downloading it? I don't have 3d s Max and really have no plans to spend $3500 on it anytime soon. For what I do, not worth that cost. Is 3d s max a prerequisite for using Corona? Not sure, but despite repeated attempts to download it, and says successful after going through the steps, it is nowhere to be found.
  4. I agree, Wow! And the master steps up to the plate. Looks great.
  5. Jintu, I tried the link, went through the download process and it says it installed but no evidence it actually is on computer?? Really odd as I wanted to try it out. If I might ask, would you mind starting a separate thread with what you like about it? Many here trust your judgment in this regard. It looks nice enough on their web page though.
  6. First, I'm no expert on the finer art of what is actually a Ray Trace (RT) view I believe you are after. You are referring to it as a render. Not actually semantics, there is a difference. There are some truly gifted people on this forum that produce some amazing Ray Trace images using Chiefs internal RT (Phoebe) but many of these same people are using 3rd party engines like Thea and POV Ray among many others out there. They produce the design in Chief then export them to the other software for a photo realistic image. That being said, the Chief engine is actually quite good and a really nice looking Ray Trace image is or can be a lot of work to get the materials and textures exactly right and critically too the lighting. Most of these same people do this for a living so might not be inclined to go to that much trouble for someone with just two posts to the forum. I do mean that with all due respect and certainly do not speak for any of them. That being said, Search the forum (particularly the old forum archives) for Jintu, Kathleen, Wendy and George and several others that are the Ray Trace masters. Look for threads called "show us your goodies" for some examples of their work. If you like it, perhaps send them a PM to inquire what they might charge to do this for you, with the caution again that these are just a few of the folks whose work I admire, and I do not profess to speak on their behalf. Last, looking at your plan, you need to save it with the textures and material you actually used, or it's anyone's guess as to what you intended to use as Chief will substitute. Go to "file" "backup entire plan" then select the top radio button. That will be the plan with the referenced materials and textures you used. It looks very cool, and I wish you luck with it. Below is a link to one of the threads. Very long!!!!!!&highlight=Show+goodies I know there are others very good at this, so I apologize and just listed a few of my favorites off the top of my head....
  7. Yeah, I can't think of a more universally acceptable format than PDF ?? Even the viewers are free
  8. Jintu, Your RT's always look great !! I'd kill to have one half as nice as you regularly get. Very nice
  9. Thanks Tommy. I have an O dark early meeting tomorrow about 70 miles from here, so no way as I expect to be gone most of the day. Do appreciate the offer though and great idea that has always been a problem for me, concerns electrical items on not normal places.
  10. Being from the greater Washington DC area, we get to hear about the "offensive nature" of the Redskins Team here. I tend to agree and hope they will drop the "Washington" part of the name, as all things down there are offensive to me. If forced to re-name, and hope Danny holds out, my vote is for the Idaho Redskin Potatoes. We'll just keep calling them the Redskins and if need be the logo could be changed slightly to look like a tater. That will shut up the noisy minority.
  11. Oh, good point Joe. I was thinking of grass and how "other" programs handle things like that. Always hated the way grass looks in CA, versus, by example Thea Render and instancing with a good sample plug. Way more realistic.
  12. Worked for me, just today by the OP. I remember getting dogged the first time I posted a question without the plan. I think the dogger is someone who is on this thread (not the OP) I never made that mistake again. On the other hand, there are some questions where a plan is not any help. Like, just making this up, "who has a good grass they might share?" On that front, do we have reason to believe CA might incorporate instancing into a future version? << No plan for that question, sorry.
  13. Typo?? You guys are from the tater state. Seems fine to me, except should be tater rather than tator. You need to get that fixed.
  14. Kirk, Are you actually a "Modertator" or a Modertater on this forum?
  15. Wow !! Nice Michael. I was trying what you said and you already had it. So I understand this, and perhaps for others to learn go forward, is there a "proper way" to place a shed on a dock (deck) to avoid this kind of issue? Is it that I need to avoid crossing the edge of the deck with any part of the shed? Or if so, create breaks first? Not sure still I know the answer, but you definitely solved the problem. For now, I need to avoid all structures on the deck or make a copy to experiment with first. Thanks Man !!!!!
  16. Thanks Michael. I'm sending it in to support as well. Can't quite figure out how the walls on their normal walls layer, impact the separate "band board" layer I created or the deck rails which are technically invisible walls layer. Why is one impacting the other two is what is odd.
  17. Lew, I think it's 25Mb. Jim, that gives me something to look at. I tried changing the room type but that too caused me problems. The problem is, I think in part, that this is actually the way that these are built and I may have to think how does chief treat these items?? No idea.
  18. Tommy, not at all sure I followed that, but going to try it.. Interesting way to do it. Are you saying that any fixtures placed in "user library" are free game for placement?
  19. Pretty sure always, or as long back as I have been on forums?? Big tease by the way , I thought someone had an answer to this. I do have automatically rebuild deck framing unchecked and "keep deck framing after room is deleted" checked. Not sure if that has anything to do with this either.
  20. Chief wants all electrical on a wall. Create a wall 1/16 inch thick (call it light wall or something) and make it same material as wherever you want to put the lights. Then you can essentially put them wherever you like. I'm sure there are other ways too, but one way I've worked around the Chief Electrical Police rules. By way of example. Can't hardly detect the 1/16" "wall" material PT in this case.
  21. I agree with everyone else, for just Chief, matters little other than watching the training videos. I cut the cable at home as I watch little TV and just have internet. I'm 50 down and about 12 up. I do stream video and movies, but could do that on slower, if I wanted.
  22. Joe and Jintu are the experts, but I simply changed the hardwood from a "polished" to general material and makes a huge difference. I suspect to must have changed it to polished which is the problem. Way too reflective that way.