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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. One other thing that I should clarify is the majority of plants in the library that I previously referred to as 3D are actually 2D images that rotate to face the camera creating the illusion of 3D. However there are some actual 3D plants to be downloaded and these have attached cad blocks that can also be used in your cad detail if already imported into you plan they can be accessed under CAD> CAD Block Management> Select and Insert. Also Best Answer is an award system to be given to the person who provides the most appropriate answer, not yourself. It also keeps the best answer at the top of the Thread with your question for others to quickly reference. Cheers, Chopsaw
  2. My understanding is that for 3D terrain features and plants you must make you plot plan in a std. plan view with a terrain perimeter. However if 3D is not important you can place 2D image cad blocks into a cad detail plot plan from the CA 3D Library under CAD "Image CAD Blocks" available for download.
  3. Thanks Michael, I like that as a practical solution as it gives a precise result. I little extra work to get a 10' chain for a 16' ceiling but doable.
  4. Scott, I noticed you did not post a link to the instructional video of adding links. That would be a really great thing for cathedral ceilings. Chopsaw
  5. That is quite an interesting wall Johnny. Did you and Michael get it sorted?
  6. Johnny, If your movement method indicators are not available as in Michaels method ( post #12 ) I would try to back off the stubby wall, set the other, then bring the stubby one back to position with Glenn's method. Not sure but worth a try. P.S. My headset blew up last night too. Maybe the same lot # ?
  7. Hey Tim, Not exactly sure what you are needing to do but it seems like for the doorway might be just as simple to leave the doorway and insert a new "reno" wall into the doorway and it should be able to be sized in elevation view and framed just the way you would typically do that in reality. If you are still looking for the Edit wall layer intersections tool it looks this:
  8. Hi Dan, It seems like you have spent quite a bit of time combing over your system and it's settings. If by next week I am the only one having issues maybe I could run a few more Traceroute tests for you at different times like I sent to Brian and look into that, or maybe it could be my system. Thanks, Chopsaw
  9. Yes, I got the same results with Glenn's method and the Brick 4 Wall but in 3D it is essentially an overlap and does not show. So for this situation I am quite happy to do a little 2D cad touch up now that I know with the right approach this type of thing can be accomplished in Chief. Which when you think about it is really quite amazing what the software can do considering that most of the planet is still building with sticks and stones in one way or another.
  10. Ok then, I thought PM's were private but I was sending a PM to DSH at about 1:02 PM EST.
  11. Sorry Dan, Bad news again as I was logged in with IE 11 for maybe 15 min today and tried to send a PM that vaporized when I hit post, and this time I forgot to CTRL + C.
  12. Best Answer is always awarded to the person that provided the "BEST ANSWER" Jerry deserves it. Thanks
  13. Alex, See post #7 and just rotate 180o in Y axis or if you did not trim the correct ( opposite ) upper corner then you can use the regular DBX and reverse anytime. Also good for symmetrical layouts.
  14. Yes, I am rather new to this as well but this works for me and is quite straight forward. I just export the Schedule to layout as "Current Screen" and then trim it after export so that it is isolated and can be rotated or repositioned any where it will fit or even taken to another page if you run out of room. Where ever it looks best. And Yes you can put on custom layer set if you like when exporting.
  15. Dan, Sorry these things seem to happen to me at the most inopportune time but I was using IE 11 and had been logged in for likely several hours and did not have to use my username or password.
  16. I just put my Schedules in a separated layout box and have never seen anything like your posting Alex. Mine only change predictably when updated or edited manually.
  17. Glenn, That would be great as I also have a plan that I suspect has some of the same issues and will not stay set to it's default values. Not too sure where to start with it even after reading this whole Thread. Chopsaw
  18. Things were going well there for a while Dan but this afternoon when things were busy I had a post open for at least 45 min and hit the "More Reply Options" button only to have my entire post wiped out and got kicked back to the Main Chief Talk Forum page and then when I navigated back to the Thread I was posting on, no auto save whatsoever. Thankfully I have gotten into the habit of CTRL + C almost all of the time now. Especially frustrating when the test plan I was working in also crashed.
  19. Hi Tricia, Open your dimension line and try this. Unfortunately this is for all the dimensions unless you make a copy of your Default.
  20. Almost there guys, sorry for the delay, just a few issues with the interior trim that I think Rich had as well from the shadow I can see in his screen shot. I got the 2D Floor plan figured out but still have some issues with the Window schedule that need to be figured out before this is finished. Maybe Scott or Michael could take a look while I have something to eat. Feel free to make a video with my plan if you like as I am not quite set up to do that yet. But I am working on it so please put my name on the credit list. Thanks, Chopsaw 6015 Window Creation b.plan
  21. Alex, I have not looked at you plan yet but it sounds like you did not select "Window" when creating the Symbol as it will cut hole in the wall that creates another problem that we all had to work on before in that the hole it cuts is square and then has to be filled. I am currently working on my original test plan and will post when I get it all ironed out.
  22. Congratulations Oly, Seems like you completed that like an expert unlike the committee effort last time. A window created from the DBX I would classify as a Window. A window created from the DBX or any variety of other methods and converted to a Symbol, I would classify as a Window Symbol. See Attached to include in Schedule. Post your results if you have time so we all know what works.
  23. Oly, Once you have successfully created the window symbol it can be rotated about the Y axis in the Symbol DBX under the 3D tab.
  24. Larry, This sort of thing is typical for me and there are always manual adjustments to be made. Unfortunately some of the functionality was lost with X8. Some things were fixed for editing lintels with update 3.8 Framing • Fixed an issue that caused the Temporary Dimensions and selection feedback for a selected header in a Wall Detail view to be incorrect. I put in a request to tech last week to fix the other functions we had in X7 "Other framing that has to interact with the lintels when edited has no snap function. When the extend tool is used the framing members go clear through to the mid point of the lintel without recognizing the snaps at the upper and lower boundaries of the lintel." There are other problems but I asked to have the X7 functions restored as a start.
  25. Thanks Glenn, You make that look soo easy. I am kinda embarrassed at how much I struggled to make that work with the thick wall but your technique worked for that to. Always learning. Such Finesse!! Thanks Again Glenn, Chopsaw