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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Perry, I generally don't want to do that because I like to use the "Box Label" for the scale display or some other customized text using macros. That means I need to have the Layout Labels Layer displayed.
  2. Click on the Layout Box and open the dbx. Click the Label Tab and then the "Suppress Label" checkbox.
  3. Todd, Generally, you build the foundation after walls, doors, windows, etc. However, there are some things in Chief (Generally CAD such as Molding Polylines, Slabs, Polyline Solids, etc) that are absolute elevation specified. When you build the foundation the Floor Heights are adjusted according to the foundation settings. IOW, if the foundation settings require that the 1st floor is 6" above grade then the floors will move up 6". So, it's a good idea to build the foundation before you add any of those other objects. You can always rebuild the foundation later but at least you have a starting point that's a good datum. ps: That's a major reason that I try to avoid all the CAD objects. Symbols are much more reliable.
  4. Bill's suggestions are good - but the fewer elevation lines you have, the better. Using a general terrain model from a minimum number of lines and then adding "Terrain Modifiers and Features" usually works best.
  5. Layout Box Label. You can customize this or just suppress the Label.
  6. If I have an object defined as an "Area Material 100% Transparent", it's transparent in all Render Types except "Vector" and it can be selected. I can put the object on a Layer that can be turned off - but then I have to turn the Layer on in order to select it. If I have an object defined as an "Gap Material 100% Transparent", it's transparent in all Render Types but it can't be selected even if the Layer is displayed. Is there any way to resolve this so that the object can be selected and for it to still be transparent in Vector Views?
  7. Jon, Try this one. I think the light may be too bright, but you can edit it. You would need to place it in a plan, select the light and TAB until you get the light, then open it and edit the light data. Let me know how this works for you. Jon's Lighted Niche.calibz
  8. Jon, I've done some experimenting and I can do it. I'll make one 15x15x15 with a puck light in it. It would help if you could tell me what you want the light data to be. Spot, Lumens, Cut off Angle, etc. You will need to make your framed wall with just the studs and one surface (nothing between the studs and the stone wall) because the Niche will only cut the front face of the wall. I can't do this with a "Pass Thru" because Chief doesn't allow Windows to be included in an Architectural Block. As soon as I have the light data I'll get the Niche set up for you.
  9. Jon, Please explain what you want. How thick is the wall and what is the width, height and depth of the Niches. Where do you want the light?
  10. I was doing some work outside this morning - but it's about 95 degrees right now (mid march in Southern California only 6 miles from the beach) and it's too hot to work outside so I decided to slap together a representative set. I'm still looking for anything special to add - within reason of course
  11. One more good reason to have a 3D Storey Pole syetem - where the Foundation isn't restricting the vertical movement of platforms.
  12. Larry, Delete the Foundation, adjust the Floor Height in the dbx, then rebuild the Foundation. I find that having a Foundation really limits what can be done with the Structure dbx.
  13. Thanks Cheryl, I enhanced the Washer Hookup to automatically make the hole when recessed. I just recess it 3-7/8" so the cover projects 1/8" from the wall surface. I added it to Post #1
  14. This "trick" as Scott calls it really will work with any symbol as it just combines a transparent Backsplash and a Symbol as an Architectural Block. The two parts then can be copied, moved, etc as one while still retaining their individual characteristics and behaviors.
  15. Scott, Select the frame - or the edge of the niche and then tab. That get's you to the Geometric Shape Symbol which you can open and adjust the materials, size, etc. If you adjust the size of the Symbol you will also need to select the opening, TAB and adjust the Backsplash size. IOW, see the bold black Note in post #1 An alternative is to "UnBlock" but then you lose the connection between the 2 parts and moving up/down and sideways is not so easy because you have to select both pieces to move them together - or you could re-block them.
  16. Perry, The wall has to be Framed and the "Framing, Walls" layer needs to be displayed. The "wood" that's showing is what Chief shows for the stud layer when the Framing is not displayed. This is the same as what you see if you used the "Delete Surface" Tool to remove wall layers temporarily.
  17. I wonder if Adrean would like to commission me to create the Library.
  18. This Library has been replaced. Please see
  19. Select the part that goes thru the window, open the dbx, check "No Molding on Selected Line"
  20. Here's #4 & #5 People Images 4.calibz People Images 5.calibz
  21. Here's #1,#2 & #3 People Images 1.calibz People Images 2.calibz People Images 3.calibz
  22. Let me see if I can upload a fresh set. I have no idea why those were pointing to my computer.
  23. Now, I challenge CA to make this work without having to unblock, just using a defined symbol - with the wall framing automatically adjusting to frame the hole. IOW, let's get a Symbol Option that makes it work totally.
  24. So, I got to thinking (very dangerous) and I wondered if there was a way I could combine the "Hole" with a 3D Object and have it work together. Here's what I came up with: I made a Niche Shape and placed it in the wall. Then I put a hole in the wall at the same location and blocked the 2 things together. I added that block to the library. When I place it in the Plan and move it into the wall so that the "hole" is located at the wall surface - and then unblock - The hole magically appears in exactly the right location, size & shape. I've attached the Library for you to try. Wall Niche.calibz
  25. Simple solution. For Camera View, turn of the Framing Layer.