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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Not sure how I missed that one for so long!! I had just gotten used to seeing those cameras knowing they were only temporary. Many a time they annoyed me anyway though. Nice to know we have a way to get rid of them if desired. Thanks!
  2. Dragging the roofline seemed so obvious I decided not to even mention it.
  3. Attach the plan. 19 times out of 20 there's something about the plan that a person just keeps overlooking and someone will usually spot it and answer your question in short order...without spending a bunch of valuable time just guessing.
  4. Not sure exactly what your goal is, but try unchecking "Use Existing Roof Baselines"... BTW, I gave you a point for posting the plan. Makes it so much easier for everyone.
  5. You should really attach a plan. Would answer a lot of questions.
  6. Don't think you can change any settings for the tape measure tool.
  7. I use tab and dimensions both.
  8. I personally DO NOT like to use grid snaps.
  9. You should get into the habit of attaching a plan, or at the very least a screenshot.
  10. Coincidence? Is it possible all your dimensions are within a quarter inch of being whole numbers?
  11. Have you tried sending a view to layout yet?
  12. If it's a vector view, it will become a simple black and white line drawing when sent to layout.
  13. You have to make sure and close the plan file before trying to attach it.
  14. Gotcha. Looks like a bug to me too. Needs to be fixed. In the meantime, you can do as Glenn suggested, or you can temporarily connect the 2 lines to create one single polyline and then do your trimming.
  15. Problem with frieze is that it won't cut out for the windows like a wall material region will.
  16. Why do you need to shift select the second line?
  17. Take an orthographic top view and use the cross section slider.
  18. I've been running Windows 10 for a number of months now without any issues. I basically set it up to look and operate just like Windows 7. I've noticed a substantial decrease in startup time on my desktop. Ironically, laptop seems to take a little longer than it used to though.
  19. Ya, in the case of auto dimensions, you're right. It should be radio buttons. I wonder if maybe they're just trying to keep dimension DBX's as consistent as possible...aside from auto dimensions, those should be checkboxes.
  20. Sorry Ray, I should have been more clear. My question and response was to the OP.
  21. Glad you got it figured out. For what its worth, I don't think it has anything to do with new plan vs. old. I actually tried doing it both ways and it worked just fine. Maybe it was the metric thing...or maybe it was just a corrupted plan file.
  22. If its something that just started happening recently my guess is that its related to something you've recently changed. Have you added or changed any software or hardware lately?
  23. Yikes! That's bizarre. Not sure what to say about that. You probably aught to contact tech support. Looks buggy to me.
  24. Johnny, You need to uncheck "Sides". "Sides" picks up the side of the window itself, what you want is just the rough opening. Because you have both checked, auto exterior dimensions is using one of each.