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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. You have to make sure and close the plan file before trying to attach it.
  2. Gotcha. Looks like a bug to me too. Needs to be fixed. In the meantime, you can do as Glenn suggested, or you can temporarily connect the 2 lines to create one single polyline and then do your trimming.
  3. Problem with frieze is that it won't cut out for the windows like a wall material region will.
  4. Why do you need to shift select the second line?
  5. Take an orthographic top view and use the cross section slider.
  6. I've been running Windows 10 for a number of months now without any issues. I basically set it up to look and operate just like Windows 7. I've noticed a substantial decrease in startup time on my desktop. Ironically, laptop seems to take a little longer than it used to though.
  7. Ya, in the case of auto dimensions, you're right. It should be radio buttons. I wonder if maybe they're just trying to keep dimension DBX's as consistent as possible...aside from auto dimensions, those should be checkboxes.
  8. Sorry Ray, I should have been more clear. My question and response was to the OP.
  9. Glad you got it figured out. For what its worth, I don't think it has anything to do with new plan vs. old. I actually tried doing it both ways and it worked just fine. Maybe it was the metric thing...or maybe it was just a corrupted plan file.
  10. If its something that just started happening recently my guess is that its related to something you've recently changed. Have you added or changed any software or hardware lately?
  11. Yikes! That's bizarre. Not sure what to say about that. You probably aught to contact tech support. Looks buggy to me.
  12. Johnny, You need to uncheck "Sides". "Sides" picks up the side of the window itself, what you want is just the rough opening. Because you have both checked, auto exterior dimensions is using one of each.
  13. I have Sketchup 2015 but I didn't use Sketchup at all. Just dragged and dropped 2015 version of the model directly into Chief.
  14. Did you rotate the oven using the rotate edit handle or through the symbol DBX? Whatever happened, it needs to be fixed through the symbol DBX. There are 2 rotation settings...One in the 3D tab and one in the 2D block tab.
  15. You can either turn off the framing layer altogether or put those particular cripples on their own layer and turn that layer off. OR, you can make a small CAD mask to cover them.
  16. Not in front of my computer, but most video cards have an eight light limit.
  17. Okay, I finally understand what you're talking about. You're talking about getting rid of the little sloped section of ceiling... Sorry, don't know the answer
  18. You know...without seeing the plan we can only make assumptions here, but from what it looks like to me, your existing wall heights need to be left alone, and the height of your new walls needs to be shorter (as opposed to making the birds mouth deeper). If the birds mouth is deeper you lose most of the structural benefit of the bigger rafter. Like I said, you should be able to simply break that wall and drag it down in an elevation...OR, give that area a unique room definition with a lower ceiling.
  19. I don't understand the problem either. Can't you just break the wall in an elevation view and simply make the appropriate section taller or shorter?
  20. K, It would be good for you to attach the plan file so we can see exactly how you are building the items in question. There are a lot of variables and various settings that come into play.
  21. Not at my computer to test right now, and I have very rarely messed around with it, but is this not a case where global symbol mapping might come into play?