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About limitless8

  • Birthday February 8

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  1. Hey! Depends on many factors, where did you get the model from? 3dwarehouse? If so, depending on which chief you are running, you should download the appropriate version. For example, I use x10, and if i download models from them i choose 2016 or 2017 versions. Also it depends on the number of faces/polygons the model has, for example if its a couch or chandelier with like 200,000+ faces/polygons, then its a very very big model that is hard for chief to handle. I try to download models with 100k or less, the less the better and easier to use in Chief. Hope that answers your question.
  2. both materials and lighting, but it's not stainless steel, it's tile and set to be polished. here's a close up.
  3. Some PBR on x10, sun at 100,000 and lights on at 2500 with 5 drop rate, 0.23 camera exposure with 7 saturation and 58 brightness.
  4. Yeah I am also curious to hear your thoughts regarding the performance of the 2070, also if you do use PBR with let's say complex objects, curious how you see the performance in comparison to the previous graphics card you had whether desktop or laptop (do mention it)/ Thanks!
  5. Thank you Mick! I already did and it came out to a total of 3gb and took maybe 10min, so I'll do this as well from time to time so when the new rig comes in I can import all my libraries easily.
  6. I was wondering just came across. If at any point I build a new rig, i want to transfer chief to a new system, is there a way that all my catalogs can be exported as one file? Thing is on my current rig I was sloppy and I have textures and materials and 3d objects scattered across 3 drives.....any advice?
  7. Yeah I feel you, I have been thinking of going up to 64gb from my 32. As for memory I am going to buy an adata 1tb nvme and make that my new C drive which is where CA always is, also a 2070 (dont see the point in the 2080), and we'll see how much more fun things will be at the end of all that. If i was building a new rig and I'd love to, i'd probably still go with the 2950x with 16 cores at 4.1, a 2070, and 3*3tb nvme's for all drives, and 64gb of high speed ram like 3600 or higher.
  8. Yeah I forgot that nowadays the only time CA will use all cores at full speed is during ray tracing, and I haven't done that since PBR, so maybe a 16 core processor is just not needed, but a 1080ti or 2080ti or something is now the more necessary component, seeing as PBR is heavy on the GPU
  9. well my hexacore at 4.4 does the job, but nowadays i'd probably go for a 2950x have that sucker at 4,1 running all 16 cores
  10. well I don't agree, a hexa core processor will give him a lot more power than a quad core for sure, and well this has an ssd question is, is it nvme or not. overall these tend to be thicker than a msi gs 65 or others so if you don't mind that, plus the design and what not... personally as of late stores have begun to import the gigabyte aero 15x, so i think i will go with that instead of the msi
  11. Yeah they stole the concept from Microsoft, and saw a few videos the idea came out that with this positioning, it would get more air and cool better. Considering the specs it pretty much is a desktop that you can carry around, sure 5kg isn't a feather, but my desktop weighs around 20kg probably without the screens I am actually looking at the EVGA RTX 2070, actually had this dreamy thought of maybe selling my rig, adding on top and building something new up based on a 2950x, seeing as I am considering maybe getting lumion or another render engine, to see if I can get anything more out of it all.
  12. So, having seen a few videos recently, this actually could be a solution for many people, price is probably going to be around 3,000$, but it's pretty much a portable desktop I will probably for now stick to buying the MSI gs65 stealth, up until then I first want to update my 980 to a 2070, don't see the point in a 2080 when the specs are almost identical, and change my main ssd where chief is to a 1tb nvme. Afterwards get a laptop for work abroad
  13. So the magical day of buying a laptop to have on the go is almost here, and I have narrowed it finally down to one laptop, the MSI gs65 stealth thin with a 1070 card, 32gb of ram, and a 512 ssd. Being a true tech fan...always, always last second something comes along, and it did. Now I don't know why but I am playing around with the thought of getting a Huawei matebook pro X, which has no gpu per say mx150, but it's form factor and design just got me, and I thought of adding a aorus gaming box with a 1070 card, and it would come out to the same price as a MSI...The natural issue becomes carrying the EGPU around, but logic and reason are saying it's a dumb idea because the MSI has it all inside, future proofing for some time...So yeah, just wanted to throw that out there, once I get the laptop I'll definitely post my thoughts and how it all works out.
  14. As always thank you for the great advice! As said, I'm only familiar with being hired for the full project and I charge a flat fee per sqm which covers my time well. I will look into your approach, discuss with this design firm afterward, and see if my pricing for this new approach will satisfy their budget. Again thank you for all the information!