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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. 9 minutes ago, CPDesigns said:

    Is it best to use different sheets even though Chief thinks I am building an attic(this is a single story home)?

    Oh, I typically find it's safest to at least mockup the whole house. Though you may be "just building an attic" right now, wait til that client comes back with more requests. That plan file may end up needing 2 floors below it - it's safer to model at least a basic shell and then just focus on the one area you're actually working on. Helps with camera views as well.

  2. If I were to throw a guess at the wall, I'll bet those moldings aren't dropping, but rather the rest of the post is raising. Moldings follow absolute heights while millwork objects follow the finished floor height, so when its placed into a room it's jumping up some in order to rest on the floor.

    You could check the post's Elevation Reference and set it to Absolute, but I think you'll have an overall better time if you select all of the components of this post and convert it all into a symbol so that it'll be a single item.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, TeaTime said:

    You just can't use a single line CAD Block to load custom muntins


    1 minute ago, DBCooper said:

    unless it meets the area rules I posted above

    Oh, that's why. It's potentially rare that a single line will fulfil said criteria. Drew a diagonal line and it worked fine.

    I stand corrected amended. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, solver said:

    Sometimes a bit of searching ...

    Maybe I'm just tired after a long tea-filled weekend but boy that comes off condescending to me, especially when

    1 hour ago, cjanderson66 said:

    I have done a search


    A few things though, in that thread you stated "You can't block a single line" -- though yes, you certainly can. You just can't use a single line CAD Block to load custom muntins (**EDIT: in some situations - see below**)

    But you also weirdly glossed over @Alaskan_Son's perfectly viable and arguably much easier solution:

    Draw your CAD Line, place a text box, leave it empty and just hit OK, then select both the CAD Line and the empty Text box, Block, select window and Load Muntin.

    • Like 1
  5. I've fought with this before and: No--but kinda.


    Line styles, like patterns, are all universal. I think they start their repetition from 0,0 - so all gaps will line up, they're not related to the line.


    However if you go to your CAD Preferences, the "Endcap Printed Length" setting allows a certain amount of line to always be present on the ends

    (remember it's printed length, so 1/16" is typically fine)

    so at LEAST the corners will be filled no matter what.


    but as you can see, the gaps still line up with one another, regardless of the line's position.

    • Like 1
  6. Corner boards are pretty simple objects, they automatically detect their appropriate "top" and "bottom" heights, and they report in Absolute values, which is handy.


    If all the corner boards are spanning both floors, what I would do is open one of them on floor 2 and check it's Top height, then use Marquee Select Similar to select all corner boards on Floor 2 and delete them.

    Then, on Floor1, use Marquee Select Similar again and set all of their Top heights to whatever the Floor 2 ones were at.


    The only downside is they'll only appear on Floor 1 floor plans - but I don't know that not seeing corner boards in a plan is the end of the world, I'd just hide that layer.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, SHCanada2 said:

    It there a method to get a wing wall or retaining wall to taper?

    I'm guessing you mean to put a custom slope on it, rather than letting the program do it automatically?

    If so, first open the wall and uncheck Retaining, making it just a normal wall. Then in an elevation view you can pull one corner down and force it to whatever shape you need. Then draw a Terrain Break line inside it.


    11 minutes ago, SHCanada2 said:

    or get a terrain region to start at a specific elevation on one end and a different elevation at the other end

    No, Elevation regions are either completely flat inside, or otherwise uniform height around the perimeter.

    You'd just draw two Elevation Lines at different heights.

  8. 1 hour ago, DBCooper said:

    you have manually moved the wall top/bottom up/down (which is something you usually don't need to do to change your ceiling heights).

    ^^ exactly this - avoid yankin your walls around in camera views and you'll save yourself a lot of headaches. Generally speaking, the program knows how to do walls better than we do.

  9. 2 hours ago, kbaxter said:

    There must be a difference in the algorithms in X14 & X15.

    I still have X14 installed and I can attest that this certainly seems to be the case. It does the same thing even aligning the temp wall and playing with the gable bump out.


    However, destroying the bump out while keeping that front edge, it works fine



    This doesn't seem like something I'd let the auto roofs do -- fix it manually.

  10. 1 hour ago, 3D_Russ said:

    I'll do a search like I used to, and will not pull up the material I'm looking for. Like "Color - White". I still have to hunt and scroll down a list of none relevant materials til - "there it is"!!

    Yeah it feels like there's some adjusting they still need to do - though in this example, if you search color - white, it will find things that have the word color and the word white. pretty sure hyphens and such are just ignored. However if you search "color - white" it will find only items with that exact wording. You should have exactly one hit. However "color white" will find 0, because with the quotes it's looking for an exact match, hyphen and all.


    1 hour ago, 3D_Russ said:

    And in the library folder panel, how in tarnation am I supposed to rearange existing library objects and/or move them to a different folder??? It won't let me drag and drop!

    This one I'm not sure of--unless you're talking about anything outside of the User Catalog, in which case you just can't. But you never have been able to so I'm not entirely sure the complaint there. The Folders panel hasn't really changed that much as far as I can tell, right-click an item in Core, Bonus or Manuf, Copy to User Catalog. Once there, do whatever you want with it. Edit, rename, move to new folders, etc.

  11. 1 minute ago, Renerabbitt said:

    So the method is simply a invisble material on your drywall with a wall covering down to the reglet in your molding.

    Oh I get what you mean, just means you don't need the 0" drywall AND the air gap, just the air gap + covering, right right.


    Your method definitely taught me that Wall Coverings are not 0" thick though, which is curious. I suppose I get why but it seems like it shouldn't be necessary. I doubt Wall Coverings have been updated in a long time, though. I personally never use the things, so this was a bit of an eye opener as far as creative uses for the things.


    2 minutes ago, Renerabbitt said:

    What did you discover, any other hiccups with the pony wall method? Exterior walls fine? door settings? etc.

    I hadn't noticed any other anomalies, though I can't say I run it through a whole course yet.

    The obvious limiter is -- well what if you need a legit ponywall, too??  SOL. Wall Covering time!

  12. Well I was pretty sure the selection line thickness was just the weight of the selected object's Layer, though I just stumped myself because while that seems to be the case for a lot of objects, cabinets, dimensions, doors, etc, it's not the case for Walls. That kind of isn't too shocking though given that Walls have like 6 layers that control them - but none of those layers seem to change how thick the Selection around the wall is!

    Well, after some Trial and Error, it turns out it's the CAD, Default layer! Bonus discovery: turns out that's what controls the selection marquee's line weight, too!!

    • Upvote 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Renerabbitt said:

    in that case you can eliminate the step where I modify the wall types

    I'm not sure I understand how that would help - isn't that sort of the key trick here, setting the drywall to be 1/2" opening?

    Either way I'm not arguing against it, some people might not care - not every solution is perfect for everyone.


    FWIW though some of the concerns about the ponywall method that you mentioned in the video aren't really concerns at all - Framing should be fine since both wall types use the same framing specs, and while there are potentially some break lines in Vector views, they only tend to appear at odd angles and when zoomed out enough.  Even in cross sections there's only a bit of weirdness where the external layers connect




    Ultimately though, it would be awesome if Moldings had an option to recess into the surface material so none of this was necessary!

  14. A clever solution as always.

    I would add to that though a small c-channel nested into the base to be certain there's no chance of wall materials showing through.


    The biggest issue with this is that Cross Sections will show that inside wall line, as well as that wall covering line 1/16 off the wall. Not ideal, but manageable in a few ways.

  15. 5 hours ago, Joe_Carrick said:

    This is not correct.

    It is correct in that the symbol attaches flush to the roof and maintains its correct sizing. Super simple to place and resize.

    It is not correct in Plan, however, as you pointed out. But that's the CAD Block's fault, not the symbol.


    5 hours ago, Joe_Carrick said:

    In Plan View the 66" dimension should be 46.662".  It's the projected size that is needed.  Otherwise panels will overlap in Plan View.

    Edit CAD Block is a great tool



    I'm not a fan of she skylight cutting away my roof either, but since it does it automatically for you the Skylight tool can be super handy to math the projected size for you so you know what size to make the CAD Block


  16. There really isn't a way to do this, just don't jump into working on your basement if you're not at or near 100% on the main floor footprint.

    Keeping Auto Foundation on is only really good for monopours, IMO. Once you start doing your own thing, it'll get turned off and then making sure your foundation walls align with the first floor walls becomes a manual chore.

    Though using the Reference Display and Align w/ Above/Below tools make it fairly easy.

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