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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. I've not noticed this before either, but it looks like its a difference between the built in door types vs symbol doors.


    one on the left is the generic "slab", one on the right is from the library, E01.

    Prob send it in for the engineers to look at.


  2. 6 minutes ago, KristjanM said:

    The custom object fields do not even though they are using the same area number (a formatted version). This would lead me to think that a custom object field cannot be a number (float or integer) but rather is defined as a string. Correct?

    While we're waiting for the macro whizzes to show up, I think the issue is that formatted values can only be stored as a string. I don't know that custom fields have a limitation on how they're stored.

  3. Dang, I almost assumed as much given "railing" in the title but second guessed.


    1 minute ago, Chopsaw said:

    Wall Schedule

    ^ This.

    Total Lengths, Group Similar.

    Be mindful that wall schedules include based on wall type so you'll need to set the Categories to Include to only include that one type of wall.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, KnotSquare said:

    I managed to correct my model,  but if I draw new walls off of this .plan, the issue will repeat. Since it is grayed out in defaults, how do I uncheck it?


    Check your Exterior Wall Defaults

    On 9/12/2023 at 9:00 AM, TeaTime said:

    on the Structure panel, look under the Double Wall settings and set it to Frame Through.


  5. The main thing to remember with Auto Roofs is that the roofs are built over Rooms, and their heights are set off ceilings.

    Temporarily setting ceiling heights is often the key to get the auto roofs to work right.


    The most simple example of what you're aiming for though is simply this:


    All exterior walls w/ siding facing outward, all four vertical walls set to Full Gable roof.

    Raise the middle room's ceiling and Auto build roof. The inner walls build up to create the inset gables.



    Kind of.

    There's more that needs to be done, but there's a lot of resources on roofs, both manual and automatic.

  6. Looking at this pic I'd think that would be essentially a giant manual dormer, sort of. It's a pretty specific style so I doubt Chief will have anything on exactly that but you could certainly use a lot of the same Manual Dormer techniques. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1521/manually-drawing-dormers.html?playlist=95

    I find most dormer tutorials talk about using roof Holes, but because the raised roof appears to straddle the lower one, you'd want to break and pull the larger, lower roof plane's ridge edge down to create a large opening where you could then draw the Exterior walls inside of, then manually draw roof planes as needed.

  7. 13 minutes ago, KendallDesign said:

    How do I make that tile appear... That area is a doorway.

    Pretty sure they just don't work in doorways. It'd probably work fine if the doorway and wall were removed and the header area were a soffit or something.

    Otherwise, slip in a 3D Solid of the same thickness as the backsplash - those things can exist anywhere they please.

  8. I don't use that dialog (I prefer just navigating in the Project Browser, don't need to remember which page number is which), but when I tested it just now it seems fine.

    Different layouts, closed and reopened the program.


    I assume you have the general Preference Save Dialog Position set to Always or Session?

    Maybe set it to Never, close and relaunch and set it back.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Looking at this again this morning, your Exterior Wall Defaults are in that state, No Room Def checked and disabled.


    There's no way to draw an exterior wall with that tool and create a defined room.


    Looking closer at the wall defaults, it looks like you'd accidentally set them to be Furred by default -- on the Structure panel, look under the Double Wall settings and set it to Frame Through.

    Do that both on the existing Bay walls that are misbehaving and your exterior wall defaults so that tool can work normally again.


    And be careful in those Defaults dialogs in he future :) 



  10. 8 minutes ago, solver said:

    Try deleting the bay walls and redraw. 

    This is correct though I don't know why.

    FWIW, selecting just outside an Exterior wall you'll be able to select the "Exterior Room"

    It'll indicate where room definition problems are at -- see it wrapping into that room at the Bay.


    NORMALLY you should be able to just open those walls and uncheck "No Room Definition", but they're checked and greyed out?


    I'm not sure what causes that, though I swear I've run into it before.

    It shouldn't be possible as far as I'm concerned.


    Quickest way is just redraw them.

  11. I would definitely suggest looking at the spherical backdrop options in the Camera spec backdrop panel. It allows you to control how the backdrop is stretched across the inside of a big orb around your model. You can pull the top down, lift the bottom up, etc. It takes some playing with but that's probably the best way to really control how the backdrop behaves.

  12. Oh! Huh. Yeah most things in chief like to move orthogonally, and the Enter Coords dialog tracks the objects movement, but not windows. I guess I've never noticed the difference.

    But I don't think there's any override, probably just something their engineers should look at fixing.

  13. I'm fairly positive it's just showing the distance/angle you've moved your mouse from the original handle location. So in this instance if you'd grabbed a window handle that was on the outside edge, and dragged it over to the outside snap of the wall, it'd be -180.  But for windows I don't think it matters since they can't be pulled out of a wall - just set the distance and it should be good.