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About Sandilocks

  • Birthday July 11

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    Nashville TN
  • Interests
    Residential Architecture, Chief Architect, Residential Architecture, Chief Architect, Residential Architecture, Chief Architect, Residential Architecture, Chief Architect, etc. Is there life out there besides this? ;)

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  1. I need to know this exact same thing and I can't see who answered you or the answer!... Help..
  2. Bless You Alasksan Son! OMG I love this!
  3. WE'RE HIRING!!! Studio S Designs is seeking a creative and motivated architect / designer that loves residential design. If you are looking to design Nashville's most amazing luxury properties, and work in a fun and exciting workplace, Studio S Designs is your home. Go to to apply. #architecture #interiordesign #nashville #nashvillerealestate #nashvillehomes #nashvilleliving #greenhillsrealestate #12south #thenations #builder #developer #customhomes #dreamhome #architecturelovers #hgtv #nashvillerealtor #designinspo #housegoals #kitchengoals #beforeandafter #modern #archdaily #archdigest #design #luxuryhome #nashvilletn
  4. I change the roof type for one of the broken segments. Since I manually draw all of my roofs it's not an issue. I just tell it that one is a hip roof and one has a gable roof and they won't reconnect.
  5. Thank you, but what material/siding did you draw it with in Chief?
  6. What kind of siding did you use here? I love it! And the corner idea is great!
  7. Two years later... and I'm still struggling with this... what a pain in the A!
  8. I am also running windows 7. I have it figured out - I just called tech support. Nigel was a great help. Close the program (restart computer if needed) Right click on x7 and click "run as administrator". The program opened without an issue. Then he had me open a new plan, then close the plan, close the program, and open the program again normally (not as administrator). It is working fine, once again.
  9. I am having the same issue. I have x8 Beta downloaded and was working back and forth between them with no problem for a few days, and now it won't let me open x7, stating that it is already running. It is NOT running. It is no where in the task manager. Even after shutting down and rebooting the computer, it says it is already running. Any solutions?
  10. They Fixed it!! The latest update X7.3.0.25 fixes the PDF printing problem. Thank you, Chief! Thank you, Thank you Thank you, Thank you!!
  11. Is there a fix for this yet from Chief? I am trying to be patient... but it is pretty embarrassing sending out Black and white plans when my people are used to seeing beautiful color renderings on the front page...
  12. Oh Good!, Thank you, Graeme. I am planning on calling CA in the morning. I had a similar issue when they came out with X6, and they got it resolved. Hopefully they will fix it very soon.
  13. I have never had a problem with it before... Here is how it is supposed to print, using the PDF printer with the low res. It is the only one I can get to work at this time. After two hours, I give up. 1211 Fatherland Historical Plans 5.29.15.pdf
  14. Thank you for responding, Richard. If I select "color" then all of my wall layer colors, dimension line colors, etc come through. I want everything in black and white except my imported jpegs. I would absolutely love to be able to use Chief's "Save as PDF" but all of my Jpegs are black and white as well. The weird thing is, in the preview print panel, it is showing it correctly, but it does not "print" correctly. I have tried the same process with 6 different PDF printers. I got one to work correctly (the "PaperPort Image Printer") the only problem with that one is the highest DPI for it is 600. No good. This will be going on a large screen in front of the city historical commission, so the DPI has to be much greater.