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  1. I would just use polylines and then distribute them along the curve/arc you desire (I use the transform/replicate tool) and then convert polylines into 3D solids, change the color to match brick.
  2. I think it kind of is. I found a way to manipulate it so I can get it similar to the picture I show. Essentially I add a attic wall along the whole cross section line. I delete all of the rooms ceiling joists (since I will be using trusses anyways) and then I delete the structure depth on the roof planes that was 3 1/2''. Then I can get it to look similar. I think the feature is nice for some very limited applications but we need more customization (I think at times this is the crux of chief architect not enough customization within tools or settings).
  3. I kind of assumed that's what they made the poche fill for... but it seems kind of pointless when we have zero customization for it. Back to polylines I guess. Wish when we would get new tools/settings there would be more customization with them.
  4. Something more like this
  5. I really like the poche fill update for X16, but I was wondering if there is a way to edit it or settings for the fill itself. For example I want the whole attic space to be shaded/solid fill (what would be trusses). Right now it only shades the bottom cord. Any thoughts?
  6. I am really hoping x16 has some great construction drawing tools/improvements. The rendering and cabinets needs to take a back seat in my opinion. x15 was a great update but we need more control with decks, porches, stairs, curtain wall tool, dimension leader lines, etc.
  7. I have only ever used Chief, and we do very high end complex designs. I usually get them done but there are always some quirky work arounds needed (I ususally end up using a lot of CAD lines to get what I want). I would agree that Chief has made some much needed improvements, but it is frustrating that they have not responded to a lot of much needed requests over the years (specifically for Con Docs and modeling it like it is built). I think there is too much automation too, and they should completely get rid of the rooms to control heights (it makes sense, but far too often it is just quirky to work with). I hope they stop leaning so much into the rendering side of the updates and more into improvements for tools and features that help with con docs and modeling correctly. I do not plan on leaving because I have invested so much time into Chief but it is frustrating.
  8. I have not reported it yet because I thought it was something in my plan, but over the course of a couple of weeks I am starting to think it is a bug because I have never lost room definition and it happens very randomly. After seeing other people have the same issue, this confirms to me that it is something in X15.
  9. I have had this happen multiple times as well. I usually manually change the framing due to wanting a flush beam rather than a drop beam and I keep losing deck framing despite having retain framing checked and not losing room definition. I am thinking it might be a bug.
  10. You are exactly right. Thank you for the help.
  11. I have my house set on the site plan but setback and lot lines are not 90 and 180 degree. It is a very tricky lot that drops off very quickly so I am trying to get an accurate representation of how deep the foundation walls will have to be at certain spots. I have all of the elevation lines for the topography mapped out and created the actual terrain perimeter, but I want the cross section to be a perfect 90 degree slice through the building and lot line. Is it possible to set the degree you want the cross section set at or is there a way to make it parallel to the lot line or even a wall if it is at a very weird angle?
  12. I use a "panelized" exterior wall material for my wall type, basically it is just a solid color and the correct wall thickness. I then use wall material regions for my battens. I place it where I want and then use the multiple copy tool with whatever you want for the o.c. measurement for the battens.
  13. That is a weird bug, I will give that a try. Thanks!
  14. Thanks for the tip, appreciate it.
  15. Unfortunate that it cannot be changed in the defaults.