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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. Simple box house 15 x 30 ft.. Auto build foundation - stem walls. Foundation appears around the perimeter.


    How do you place more stem walls. In this simple example just one more to divide the 30 ft length will be fine. It's NOT a bearing wall, just a wall that breaks the floor joists over.


    I want to keep auto build foundation on but manually building any foundation wall will turn auto build off. Can it be done with auto build foundation on?

  2. Try using a wall cabinet for the niche, just turn off bumping/pushing and float into place. Just make sure it protrudes from the wall face say 1/16" so it will show. You now have full control over the niche with the cabinet dialog settings. Can also be a medicine cabinet.



    Assuming that a pass thru has been already placed in position?

  3. Great stuff you guys. I've been using slabs for many of the walls/floors in my baths but I think I prefer the partition method and will give it a try as it fits my way of thinking/working a bit better than other methods.

  4. For everyone's information regarding "building shower walls" (if that is still deemed to be on topic by those who decide such things) if you choose to use the method described in the videos, this is a known bug per Joe Carrick and CA tech support.


    If you use walls that were created on the first floor, then saved to your library, they don't work on the second floor. You must first build the walls on the second floor then save to library in order for them to work on the second floor.


    It's been logged at CA support.


    Hope that may help someone in the future.

  5. I agree it's important to stay focused within each thread and only hoped the post might help someone else using this same technique to build shower walls which seemed, at least on the surface, the purpose of this thread. I sent the plan to tech support.

  6. This is probably a post better sent to tech support but I have some very bizarre behavior occurring with shower walls. I shot the first video thinking I could recreate the problem but of course it went pretty well.


    So I thought I would just run the video camera to see if I could capture the bad behavior and that video did capture it. It seemed to have happened with more than one action but in the case of the second vid it was moving an outside wall that disappeared the shower walls. 


    I simply can't use this method at this time with this plan - the walls keep disappearing. Anyone else see this? Ever?




    Here's the plan.




    Apologies for the mumbling and stream of consciousness narration. Wasn't sure I was going to post the vids.

  7. The new icons were created at a much higher resolution to accommodate larger monitors. The graphic design choices are a matter of taste. I have never liked them but it's a very small distraction for me and they don't get in the way of my work flow.

  8. All tile work and the glass shower enclosure was created by positioning partition panels to the walls and floating partition panels across the shower entrance. Yes, there are alternative methods such as "Wall Covering" and "Wall Material Regions" that will accomplish same thing. This however is really straight forward, all of the components can be accessed from every viewing method (plan, elevation & camera), they adhere to Bumping/Pushing and can be dimensioned in both plan & elevation views.


    There is no dispute if the tile work is non-linear, for this the Wall Material Regions is the best solution, or if you need to adhere to described methods in order to generate an accurate material list.



    I've used slabs in the same manner for years but I really like the partition idea, as it seems to save a few steps.

  9. Alan,


    I hold down the CTRL Key, right click on the program and then Click on open.  This seems to always work.

    Just tried this and it took a couple tries but worked great. I was able to copy notes from a more recent Layout to another Layout I was working on. Cool. Thanks.

  10. Sounds like you created a p-line solid in plan view? 'Might' work if you can get a 3D shot of it. You can't create a symbol unless you are in a 3D mode.


    Create the fence panel in plan view and take a 3d overview. Save as a symbol and then rotate about the 'X axis and that should "stand it up."


    In my experience it's better to create a symbol in the orientation it will end up in - in this example in an elevation view.