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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. Not sure I'm seeing the problem. If you place the macro %layout.label% on your page '0' where you want to display your page numbers, then put the information in the edit page info box for label then everything displays however you choose it to display. Then you can print whatever pages you want, now with custom page numbers, by simply selecting those pages when you print. I must be missing something.


    Also includes not using the number field for anything as that uses the sequential numbering that I find too limiting.


    And I think I see a hashtag (#) in the Label field in your vid Scott. I don't use that and custom number each page. Takes more effort but allows for complete customization of all page numbers and what goes to the table. Still have select the pages you want to print but that's a no brainer.

  2. Rob,


    The picture you posted shows the Wall Icon selected, not the cabinet icon, and the edit bar will many times appear after selecting an item that needs 'editing'. That's not to say you're not having problems with your tool bars but the picture you posted isn't showing those problems.


    Another way to refresh your tool bars is to rename the 'toolbar' file to toolbar OLD and Chief will regenerate new tool bars. That may resolve some issues.

  3. Here is what I start with template wise, of course it changes as you go along.


    So very helpful Perry. Really really appreciate your time and explanation. I've got a very cobbled together system, that is an insult to the word system and it really takes time doing things over and over. Not everything but too much to be efficient. Must learn a new system and yours is an inspiration that I'll use some pieces from for sure.  Again thank you for your time and effort.

  4. Larry,


    Just the last technique would do it. 

    The Schedule order totally controls the callouts.

    Great to know Joe. In this case it's pretty unique as I need to skip a couple numbers in the proposed set of plans and I don't think anything short of manual labels and turning off the Use Callout...'.will work.

  5. OK, so after turning off the 'Use Callout...' I entered all the labels but the labels were in the wrong order on the schedule. I moved them around to their proper order and turned back on the 'Use Callout...". and it looks perfect. Must have been a combo of the two techniques.


    Either way thanks Joe, Thanks Perry. I THINK I've got it figured out.

  6. Larry,


    Are you using a different Label for each window?

    If so, you can use the "Callout" and just rearrange the rows of the Schedule (move up or down) and the Labels will change to match.

    Yes manual label for each window. I've got it looking OK now but would rather have this suggestion work. I'll try it.