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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. You can also use conventional round roofs and adjust framing to get neat results.  (this was all automatic framing). I did not take time to draw clg joists but it would represent frame of awning.


    I rendered it semi-transparent material on top

    Nice Justin. Was that done in Chief? I tried with round roofs but couldn't figure it out. If you could share how you did it, maybe a picture of a dbx? That would very helpful. Thanks

  2. P-line works or 2 D Molding like Scott said, but if you want to add more detail and you want to show view from bellow you can whip that in Sketchup in no time something like this... But I just messed up and closed Sketchup without saving it to create a symbol (cursing), but if anyone needs the details I can whip one up real quick it only takes a few minutes 


    Here is a few images with more detail 


  3. As a matter of fact if I ever have to create an awning again I'll use this same method. It's way better and more versatile than Chief's existing symbol(s). BUT you don't get a return on the end so you'd have to create a p-line in elevation to close the ends. Hmmm... Is that what you were working to solve Joe?

  4. I think I would do this with a PSolid (drawn in Elevation so it could be extruded lengthwise) converted into a Solid, Then use some Boolean operations to form the miter - explode the Shape and delete unwanted faces.  Then I would convert it to an Exterior Fixture.


    It's a bit more work but with the proper Stretch Planes it could be used for similar situations in the future.

    Joe, you might be over thinking this one. Just create a new molding profile to match the shape of the awning (which can be used for similar situations in the future) then draw a simple 2 line molding p-line, extrude to outside. Cake. 

  5. Now here is the question,  is the molding on the  outside edge or inside edge.  Without thinking I would put it on inside edge,  but if you think about it,  the outside edge makes more sense because then you should be able to GET THE RETURNS....... same thinking as if building a mantel with the returns to face of fireplace wall.

    Outside edge. Return worked perfectly. Just what the doctor ordered. thanks

  6. Why not just use two 'rounded" awnings.   "core cat" (ext attachments>awnings> rounded.

    When you accurate move them they line up great.   Even look good underneath.   Just have two lines at corner in vector view only.


    You can even stretch them on X axis to look more like that profile

    That should work

  7. One option would be to use Google Drive or Drop Box to upload your user libraries. To keep them current on Drive you will need to upload with each change but then they can be downloaded to any computer at any time in any place.


    Just saw your post Joe. Haven't used Sugar Sync but have Carbonite and haven't used their sync features/functions. I have a couple folders I back up to Drive a couple times a week seems like it would work OK but it takes a pretty clear discipline to keep things organized.

  8. least the client called and thanked me for the extra effort today to meet his dead-line. Oh yes, what really was super great was he and his team ALL got the X6 viewer and are AMAZED when they view the plan with it.

    Nice work. I keep forgetting to use the client viewer but will add that to my tool box shortly.

  9. Bob,


    Go to page zero, select the text for the sheet number, and change it to %layout.label%

    ...but remember if you do it will change every page and every number unless you used the page edit feature from the project browser. I would leave it - get the job out the door then learn the nuances of page layout. Your call.

  10. Worked.


    Just ran into it (X7 Beta).   Remember seeing a thread and came back to read for a solution.   I did not want to show "invisible walls" in layout but had already sent the plan.   No matter what I did, they still showed up.   Even closing files...closing the floor plan and reopening it by double clicking the layout...etc.   I tried re-linking the file....nothing.


    Opening the DBX in layout and closing it updated it!!!


    Seems like that method might lead the CA tech guys toward a solution. Hopefully.

  11. This may be way off base but are the schedules on in the roof plan and the layout box is overlapping?

    And if they aren't they could/should be then another view sent to Layout with the Roof plan cropped out showing only the schedules. Sorry, not sure what the problem is with something as simple as sending plan views, with schedules to Layout?


    And Bob maybe you're a beginner but getting a job of that size out of Chief as an early Chief user is quite an accomplishment. Nice job.

  12. I've never placed schedules in elevation views. I place all my schedules in plan view and place them in a position on the plan that will allow the plan to be sent to layout showing just the schedules. Or even create a Layer set that shows only schedules ('all off' layer set then select only schedules) and send that to Layout. Never needed to create CAD details of schedules.


    And why can't you turn off schedules in the elevation view that has them plastered all over the place?