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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. I am almost all set but what is happening to me is I am getting the walls nice and gray and nice and dashed but not nice in that I am getting both floor plans worth of walls instead of just the floor below each roof.  Not sure how that's supposed to be accomplished.

    You probably have to set up separate Layers and turn them off/on to get ANYTHING to show the way you want. Takes initial setup time but once you have them set up for one plan you can use them all over the place in different situations. Really no short cuts but the Layer setup investment will pay off.


    Your question states. " the walls nice and gray and nice and dashed but not nice in that I am getting both floor plans worth of walls instead of just the floor below each roof." Are you saying you don't want to see the walls on the second floor? If so turn that Layer off. If you want to show only certain walls create a new Layer for those walls, turn that on, and turn all the other walls off. AND while you do that create new Layer Sets as you need them to keep it straight for sending to Layout.


    I have a Roof Plan Anno Set that refers to a Roof Plan Layer Set and that Layer Set shows only roof planes (most every other Layer is turned off)  with all the walls grayed out and locked so clicking on them won't select them. I've also locked windows and doors for that Layer Set. The roof planes are a special color and pretty thick lines so they show up well and I  use that Anno Set for shaping the more complicated roofs. That Layer Set also gets sent to Layout as the Roofing Plan.

  2. I didn't notice either Perry. The original question seemed pretty simple. "I want to show the walls and roof overhang and roof planes of the floor below and I want to show the dashed roof overhang and roof planes for the current floor." That's the only question the video was intended to address. I also assumed the OP had the ref set figured out but maybe not? So so much to learn and consider and as always watching Scott's videos is a great learning tool.


    Anyway I hope there's no fooling anyone with my videos. I do them for purely selfish reasons. Even after many years of using Chief I have a ton to learn and doing the videos can be the best self teaching method I know of. So if they help someone else that's awesome but they certainly help me and I hope those selfish reasons don't taint them so I/we can keep learning stuff together.

  3. The issues are generally much more complex than a simple video can explain and all I was trying do was show how a reference set could show the items requested to be seen. The other parts and pieces like Anno Sets and using the appropriate Layer Set for the Reference Set are needed as well and should not be ignored. BTW I didn't choose the reference set, it was there when I opened the plan. I only attempted to show one way that that reference set could be changed to show what the OP wanted.


    If you are using a Layer Set for roofs and the same Layer Set for a reference set then that's a bad Chief practice. Either way take what you want and can use from the video. It's not there to state how it should be done only to give a small glimpse into one way to get what you asked for.


    And the more videos you watch, the more you'll learn even if they will head you for 'disaster' like the one I posted. 

  4. I am with Perry on this.  I do not want to do macros to analyze floor areas.  This should be part of CA.  I do not want to have a master's in computer programming to figure out the area of my garages  (yes garages,  working on a house right now with two garages),  my decks,  (yes multiple decks,  working on right now with multiple decks),  and etc.  


    I am done trying to use macros with unreliable arrows to dissiminate different floor areas.  This is basic info that we need access to that CA needs to some how find a way for us users to have access to.

    I agree. I have tried to make the point that Chief allows a lot of its programming to be exposed to the end user where it should not and "the casual user of Chief would [should] never see the code" (Lew) unless they wanted to dig into the code as an option. But many basic functions should not require any knowledge of any code to achieve basic info and simple calcs. etc.


    It's like sausage. It should be delicious to the taste, but one should never have watch it being made before eating it..

  5. Thanks Gerry. Can't believe I might be heading down that rabbit hole but am indeed curious about some pretty simple functions and of course what is and in isn't doable in Chief. I think the macros are not that hard to grasp and have been using them for many things. It's the Ruby thing and perhaps adding a calc or 2 to the macros that has me interested. I'll explore a little more and see what other question might arise and set something u if it works for both of us.

  6. Really curious where did you even come up with owner.standard? Is that in an obscure Ruby only location? And it represents room area in some way? I'll explore some more. Thanks

  7. Awesome Joe. I'm going to try that out right now.  Not happening in any way. :unsure:  I get an evaluation error trying all 3 evaluation contexts. I'll do a little more research and see what I can come up with.

  8. Larry: I did an auto build roof, then copied only the handful of new roof planes I wanted, then did an undo and pasted in place the roof planes.

    Good tip for such things. I think David P was using a similar technique but using a separate plan. I'll remember this one, thanks.

  9. Hey HumbleChief! It worked!!!!Yay! Thankyou so much for that video. After several tries i finally got it. I didn't know what terrain regions were and so I fooled around with them as you showed and voila! Here's the link:

    Believe it or not I had to rename it as I deleted the old plan and OneDrive wouldn't let me upload it - telling me it was an empty file?????? solution was to rename it.


    Thanks again. I'm new to all of this. I'm not an architect, I'm just trying to design a house for my sister and I. This will be our first home and we are going to show some designs to our builder in an attempt to cut down on some costs and also let him know what we have in mind. Besides that, it is a lot of fun designing, but I'm having a lot of teething problems as I am entirely self taught and haven't got a clue what I'm doing and am learning the program as I go.  I'm sure our builder will set me straight. :P


    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, and especially a big thanks to HumbleChief for that awesome video!


    Cheers! :D

    Nice job/ Looks perfect. And remember those numbers I chose were pretty arbitrary, if you want to raise/lower the terrain just add/subtract from the elevations.

  10. Hope it helps Greg and oh man Ray, if you only knew the pain terrains have caused me. I really have no idea how that worked for that plan but doing the videos is a great way to learn stuff and just recently I had a plan that a fairly complicated  actually came out OK and I've learned anything short of the elevation regions will make you (and the OP I'm thinkin') nuts as you probably know.

  11. Will Ruby create a simple division macro? For example I have different occupancy groups that have different occ. loads for each group. Let's say B Occ. and it has an occ. load of 1 person for every 15 SF. Example: a 750 SF room would have an occ. load of 50 people. Can Ruby create a simple division macro that looks like %room.area.standard%/50=