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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. Larry,


    If you are creating a molding polyline in elevation view, you only get the 3D Molding Polyline option.

    OK Glenn, I can call off the crazy/stupid for the time being. Is there another way to create the plant-on molding I was trying to accomplish?


    And BTW for anyone else trying this type of plant-on you (or at least I) need to create a molding that 'leans' the other way to get the molding to flow around the outside, regardless of the inside/exterior selection.


    This shape gives this result.



  2. I don't know.  But personally, I've found very few cases where I needed a "3D Molding Polyline.  I can see a use where there's an exterior railing wall that goes up along a stairway, then continues horizontal for a few feet and then turns at an angle left or right.  In that case if I wanted a molding cap to follow the top of the wall I would use a "3D Molding Polyline" but otherwise I always use the "2D" variety. 

    I don't get that option, what am I doing wrong?


  3. Larry.


    In plan view you should be able select the molding line, then while it is selected, Shift select it again. 

    Edit: Don't click on a grip - click on a clear piece of line.

    You should get a box around the line with one central grip and a rotate handle.

    You can move the line with the central grip or use point to point.


    I can feel a video coming on.


    Zoomed way in and grabbed a section of line and it worked - Thanks - Great video - very helpful.

  4. Larry & Joe,



    This is not quite correct.

    As in Larry's case, the 3D molding polyline is drawn in an elevation view.

    If you want to move it in plan view (say back to the wall). 

    Select it, Shift select it again.

    You can drag it, or more accurately, you can use point to point move.




    In the 3D Molding floor plan, when you lose the molding, it is there - it's just that it's up in the attic level.

    In camera view, you can click the Up One Floor button and you can see it.

    Thanks so much. Shift select doesn't seem to do anything that I can tell but yes it's in the attic - where I drew it doh!!

  5. Larry,


    If you made that in an elevation view - just use a "Molding Polyline", not a "3D Molding Polyline".  You only need a "3D Molding Polyline" when all points are not on a common plane.

    IAE, moving it is as easy as selecting it, click on Transform/Replicate and Move it. 


    Note:  To move any Polyline you must be in the View in which it was created - unless you use Transform/Replicate.


    Note 2:  You can "Convert to Symbol" in any 3D View, including Elevations/Sections.

    Thanks Joe but there's no option to create a molding poly line just a 3D molding poly line. Transform/Replicate works to move it. Did I say thanks?

  6. I simply don't know how to move a 3D molding poly line in plan view or 3D. Nothing like CA to make me feel really stupid - and actually I mean that. There is NO OTHER software that has so many secret handshakes and bizarre techniques that I've ever used that just makes me feel stupid. I've actually pondered the possibility that I am stupid and then I try a new technique in Chief and it confirms my suspicions. [/rant]



    3D Molding Plan 2.plan


    3D Molding.plan


  7. Bob, If you rotate the 'texture' material by changing the 'angle' 90 degrees you should get that grain to go the other direction as Alan suggests but also you can use any picture from any place to create a material and use that as a texture. Here's hundreds of wood grains to choose from below.


    It took me a while to understand the whole 'texture' and 'material' paradigm that chief uses, and I would never accuse anyone of being as dim witted as I, but if you're stuck, ask and there will surely be someone here to help. Good luck.



    Here's a Chief Knowledge base article that's probably more than you need but I always forget how do this stuff.


  8. Larry, I am not that far away. You know I will come down there with my dogs and leave a present on your lawn if you are printing directly from the plan file.... :)

    That's funny Alan. I print directly from the plan file all the time when scale doesn't matter. Fast way to get info to a client, truss company etc. BTW you can come by with your dogs any time  -  I love puppies! I also was born in Carmel and grew up in Monterey so whenever I see your sig I reminisce a bit.

  9. It is printing what you have asked it too , your "view" includes the whole window not just the terrain Perimeter.    zoom in as tight as possible to what you want to print, obviously it wont be to scale ....



    I was asking Chief to print the 'current view', not the whole window, not the whole terrain perimeter but the 'current view' those are two different requests - which it will do - most of the time. Try it and see if the 'current view'; doesn't include only the data in the 'current view'. Looks like it's working today or at least maybe my brain is working today.

  10. This works differently in X7 than it did in X6. I print from plan view all the time and save to PDF. It's a really fast way to print a simple plan view of the 'current view'. The 'current view' is exactly that in X6 - the view in your screen. Like below.








    But in X7 it doesn't print the current view. It's always way too big as if it's ignoring the command - that used to work in X6. Here's the exact same view and the exact same plan but different view sizes.





  11. Try it Dennis, will take 5 mins tops. I think it works fine but maybe I don't understand your question. You, of course, have to start them individually but they queue up fine and RT one after the other. Again maybe I don't understand what you're saying.

  12. I think this used to work differently in the recent past but I'm printing a simple 8.5 x 11 PDF and when I select current view I get nothing even remotely resembling the current view in the print preview window - thought I used to. The problem is it takes many trial and error attempts to get the print size to fit the page properly - a little crazy making.


    It's not plan specific as near as I can tell but I'll post the plan anyway.


    Here's a couple of screens shots. Here's the actual 'current view'...




    and here's what I get from the PDF preview.




    pdf problem 1.plan