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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. White lines over a black fill. Couple minutes. Sorry, won't work as a symbol but that's what you need. To create a symbol start with a p-line solid and create long holes with the corners fileted (filet all tool works fine) then just size and multi copy into position. Copy and paste your first group to create 4 of the same groups. Save as a symbol and apply where needed.
  2. Interesting challenge...I wonder if curved roofs might work?
  3. It helps a LOT David and really appreciate all your help over all the years!!
  4. How in the world do you "just line it all up?" I cannot get that line to disappear in elevation view. Gotta be a secret I'm missing.
  5. Anna, If you are using X8 (good to let everyone know which version) check to see which 'Elevation Reference' the 11' - 6" is being measured from - floor; finished floor; terrain; etc. If the landing is outside a room it will ignore the interior floor heights or interpret them badly, try using terrain as the 'Elevation Reference'.
  6. Thanks so much Michael for taking your time to create the video. So interesting to see the methods someone else uses to solve problems and something I've never tried before. I'm sure it will come in handy in the future - thanks again. ...and I'm thinking that should be enough info for the OP to get the job done.
  7. Thanks Michael, Like I said in the video it's good to post stuff so the smart guys will chime in. Not sure I really understand the second part of your post. What minor change are you referring to? Can you get the line between the attic wall (assuming one were used) and the parapet wall to not appear in elevation view when the roof is deleted? Even with balloon through ceiling above that line between floors comes and goes in elevation view with the roof showing then turned off. EDIT: Just got that to work in elevation view but still really awkward. I was never able to get a wall top to curve. What am I missing?
  8. Did one of these not too long ago. Tried shaping the wall in elevation but Chief won't allow a curve as you have probably learned. I used a curved roof to get the arch but this only works if your arch is a constant radius, though you can use multiple roofs if you have a more complex shape. Would REALLY be nice if Chief had more flexible wall shaping tools! If it is constant then define your curved roof and place at the proper height but make sure the rest of the parapet 'floor' has a roof over it the structure dbx, that way an attic wall will fill in above the wall and below the curved roof. Position the curved roof accurately then break the wall in elevation for any vert. or horiz. cuts you may need to make. As you'll see in the vid I couldn't get Chief to display properly in elevation without the roof and I think this is a bug that I will send in as a report shortly but either way I hope this helps you out.
  9. Thanks Chop, I can see what I did to create the situation and adding the soffit and trimming to the soffit worked - in most cases. The 2 roof planes over the entry way still don't behave correctly but I'm working on it with the same settings and they want to keep the 2 x 12 all the way through the rafter tails. These roofs do extend over a room defining the entry area, I wonder of that's the difference between these 2 roof planes and why they won't trim the rafters to the sub fascia height? But all works fine now...dunno...but thanks so much for taking your time to help!!
  10. Yeah same experience here - seems like I've done it a thousand times and yeah something simple but it's got me good.
  11. Simple and have done it a thousand times, even works as expected on a new template plan, but this plan wants to keep the rafters the same depth through the eaves and gables even with the eave and gable sub fascia depth set to be smaller. I would expect this behavior below and by adjusting the sub fascia height the rafter tail and fascia height changes. Instead no matter the sub fascia height, you can see it's set to be smaller than the 2 x 12 rafters, the rafters continue at the same depth, ignoring the sub fascia depth. I'm sure it's simple but can't seem to get it fixed. This might work for the plan file. Thank you.
  12. To the OP - run, do not walk, to the best source of Chief help and information on the web. Forgot to add - you'd be a knucklehead if you don't
  13. This will obviously be true with any new program and CA uses a very unique paradigm to build computer home models and many who come from an ACAD/Revit background find it difficult to adjust to. There are also a few quite arcane methods and techniques that a new user could never understand without some experience but once understood can become very quick and flexible. If you are seriously thinking about the switch I would check out David Michael's site which can also be found under BY FAR the best resource for all things Chief and you can get a feel for how Chief works and see if it will work within your work flow.
  14. Thanks Kevin, Not sure why I thought I could 'select all roof planes' and change the overhangs but ended up rebuilding roofs as there was little manual work to do.
  15. I can see that during the auto build roof phase the overhangs can be changed but once in manual mode>Select all roof planes there doesn't seem to be a way to change them all? Am I missing something? Or is that why it's called manual mode?
  16. Chief will get you pretty darn close with its automatic tools. All you have to do is notate Chief's stairs and you're there.