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Everything posted by yusuf-333

  1. Yes perryh, absolutely it does qualify. but this big power source must be scott.
  2. You can make in chief using the stair tool. Create a random stair with open risers option no rails both sides with the same counts of the elements in the awning you need, then create a symbol exterior fixture by rotating some small degree about x-axis.finally resize it to your awning dimensions. Sure that works.
  3. here is your plan mirrored. MacDill TH-Unit mirrored.plan
  4. in the edit menu, select area all floors. before doing the above command put a cad line(for condos the common wall will represent) to be the plane you want the mirror should be. don't forget after selecting area all floors to click on the mirror command which you will find at the bottom of your screen. this appears when you select objects. that is where you can find, the point to point move(like offset in A.cad),trim,extend, mirror, chamfer,fillet and others equivalent to the modify tool bar in AUTO CAD.
  5. spiral stair done in chief. ca is capable to do nice ones as you see in the plan. then make it a symbol to use spiral stai in chief.plan
  6. i think i support the idea ca should do what BIM does. for sure they have done some hard parts of BIM, if they make some sort of detail analysis to the current ca capability which i can prove it is mysterious even for them selves, ​they would realize they can move one big step forward with out much expense. this thread may complement the interesting discussion you started. http://www.chieftalk.com/showthread.php?62008-Rc-stractural-drawings-in-ca
  7. thanks for the complement.we are here to help. feel free ask help any time you encounter difficulties using x6. larry, thanks too. glad if that worked well.
  8. i tried a window opening. attached symbol opening1.calibz
  9. thanks scott, here is the plan containing the options you raised. there are two samples in the plan. the second one contains "retain edited trusses for ever" arch truss.plan
  10. thanks Perry. glad if that worked.
  11. ok look at the op's plan color style changed some how equivalent to his. is this what he asked, or am i missing some thing?
  12. you can also do it using curved ceilings with roof truss. adjusting the truss spec dialog will lead to the look you want like for example, the attached image
  13. thanks tommy, this is very nice. but my method is the easiest way to do it. every thing is automatic. i have already created a starter thread that contains the volute and balusters using landing. then when the rail attached to it, then automatically connects with it and fully become part of the stair as you see in the picture attached. hope once you c these illustrative pictures, ever one here can do his own one in a minute!!!!!
  14. " Are you talking about the "starter step" ........ no, not starter thread, this is what i mean. thnx, possible in any chief versions x2 up to x6
  15. OK, i think the volute is possibly done by curving edges of small landings attached some how to the stair system, since landings r editable like cad p lines some times i combine normal railings with <follow stairs> option to play on railings like for example handrails not crossing on top of the balusters and newels and a lot other fancy railings...... including spiral stairs