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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. 11 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    It might prove your theory if you are able to reinstall and get it working.


    I don't see X9 in my digital locker. Do you think chief would put it in there for me to download and try it out? You got me curios now to try that.

  2. 10 hours ago, DavidJPotter said:

    Those are merely shed roofs with corbel supports or post supports. Easily done manually.



    Do you have a suggestion of a good video or other instruction some where for corbel or post supports? And would that be the same as knee braces? I haven't had to do that yet so I haven't even looked but I want to learn. I know that I can look it up but you may save me a little time if you can point me in the right direction from your experience.

    Thank You!

  3. 26 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    Do you still have X9 installed and working fine to verify all hardware and connections are working ?  If so then keep the pressure on Tech Support to find a solution.


    No I dont have X9 anymore but that is good advise

  4. 12 minutes ago, CJSpud said:

    Can you post your plan?


    I can post my plan but I don't see how that would help. I have the problem globally so it doesn't matter if it is a new plan, old plan or something I'm currently working on.


    Here is a new plan I'm calling "Test Plan" file from my computer. I tested it as a new plan and still having the same problem.

    Test Plan.plan


    OK, so I'm really getting tired of this white screen coming up and loosing all my work!

    I have been on technical support with CA twice with this issue and so I need to find out if anyone else is having this problem and can help.


    • Whenever I try to open anything in 3D on my external monitor I get this dreaded white screen and the wonderful circle jerk. Just to be clear, there are no issues if I don't run the external monitor.
    • I have never had this problem until the upgrade to Chief 10
    • I have been using laptops for several versions of Chief (ever since we could first do split screen) and this has not been an issue.


    • CA had me uncheck the box in to "Show Option on Startup" in the preferences under the general tab and then I was at least able to open the program and work with it
    • CA also walked me through on how to get the very latest updated video card driver (didn't work).
    • I messed around with screen resolutions and tried everything else under the sun with my computer guy
    • I tried three different laptop computers and had the same problem. Only because I was in the middle of a computer upgrade
    • I have tried 4 different name brands of monitors

    I would very much appreciate any help I can get to solve this problem. I think it is a CA glitch that needs to be fixed

    Here is a picture of what I get when i try to run anything on the external monitor in 3D. This picture all i did was try to edit a smoke detector.


  6. 20 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    Add a custom Pattern in the material DBX.  Show a vector elevation view.   Sand might be a good choice.


    No luck trying to make that work. I can select vertical or horizontal siding and it will show that pattern but I can get it to show the stucco (sand or concrete) pattern. There doesn't seem to be a simple solution. 

  7. I was playing around with different ways of sending the elevations into my layout page and I noticed on every one of them it does not show the stucco pattern. I tried looking around but couldn't figure out how to get the stucco pattern into the elevation view. Is this even possible to do?



  8. 32 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:


    if you hover over the Heart icon on the right , you should get a pop-out to the left  with an up-vote/like (green) or down-vote/dislike button (red) to click on.



    that is how I have always thought of it , of course you can force it to Pivot off the Ridge or Top of Fascia too though, if needed.




    What the difference between "Like" and "Approve" (upvote, downvote)?

    In other words you have three categories; Like, Upvote and Downvote. I just don't get how they are supposed to work together or which one to click on.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    I think the baseline concept gets misunderstood by even some of the most advanced users.  In a nutshell, the baseline is nothing more than the main pivot point and control for the roof plane. 


    Consider a perfectly round roof plane.  What are you going to use to determine where it pivots, or the line that is used to determine the roofing material orientation?  That's the purpose of the baseline.  The baseline can be at any angle in plan view, at any angle with regard to the roof plane it produces, and can be adjusted to an off angle in 3D even, but it provides for the single constant pivot point required in order to maintain any sort of logical control over how the roof is generated.


    The baseline is TYPICALLY located over the exterior of the wall's main layer but it certainly isn't always located there.  If for example you have 2 different roof pitches and you want the overhang to remain constant, Chief will automatically move the baseline to accommodate during an auto-build.  Yes, you could also adjust the baseline height instead, but Chief will automatically move the baseline in order to maintain a constant baseline height...this behaviour helps make the Make Roof Baseline Polylines tool possible. 


    This was very well explained! I tried to use the liked thing in the lower right hand corner of the post but I cant figure out how that works so I'm just telling you.

    Thank You!:)

    • Like 1
  10. I didn't see an option to select a wall to place a dutch gable like we would to place a regular gable or hip. That was the purpose of asking the questions to see if I might be over looking something. I cant seems to find any instruction on it in the video's or help menus but sometimes that is because I'm not asking the right questions.

  11. OK, so all this mumbo-jumbo Tomato-Tomato leads me to another question;


    I know that we can do an automatic roof build and select where we want our regular gables and hips within the same roof structures but can we do an automatic build and select where we our our Dutch-Gables to be and still have regular hips and gables on other parts of the roof?


    Can I do this in an automatic build?


  12. I'm more then sure that is is a Chief software issue. I will call tec again in the morning.

    Not sure what more information I can give anyone to get more help. 3D Works fine on the laptop screen but locks up when I move the 3D view to either of the additional display monitors. Once and while I can get it to work, not sure why. I've tried all different ways. I installed, reinstalled and updated video cards and CA several times. Always have the same issues. Tried every setting I can think of.

  13. The computer is plenty powerful enough. The resolution settings match the two additional monitors. Nvidia is set for triple display and I only have the one graphics card so its not like my other computers where I would have the standard display card and the Navidia as an optional.

    Everything is fine until I move the perspective view in the larger displays and then I get that stinking white screen! Never had this issue with any of my past 6 laptops.


  14. Did 

    50 minutes ago, MarkMc said:

    I had issues with that on my last laptop which had Optimus and an Intel card. Found it was dependant on which type of cable hence which ports I plugged into. What I gathered was some ports ( most) used the Intel card. Most trouble was with DisplayPort. Forgot had a mess of ports DVI with a jack converter worked but don't see those nowadays. YMMV. 

    If you don't need a big second or 3rd, a DisplayLink monitor works fine since those run off the CPU. 

    Did you only have the issues when you were working with 3D views? It appears that is it only problem with mine at this time.