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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. 9 hours ago, rlackore said:

    I regret that none of my posts has actually addressed the OP's question.


    Joey, your graphics card is a bit underwhelming to be running Chief. Quadro cards are less than ideal - and the M2000M is mid-range at best. When my office made the switch  from AutoCAD products to Chief we were using desktop workstations with very expensive Quadro cards, and their performance with Chief was poor. Now we buy custom gaming rigs and everything is golden.


    Thank You Robert,

    I appreciate the input but I'm very happy with my new laptop for what I do. The problem with the CPU is minor and I was just curious why it did that. From what I understand that even gaming computers will max out the CPU but there are setting that you can do to help with that if its an issue. Other than that everything runs fine But I like to understand how things work.

  2. No worries David!

    I really appreciate your help and we all fall for the crap once and a while and we really don't know what's true or not with this guy. That is why this forum is so wonderful. We can all learn from each other and help each other out. Even the most knowledgeable guy on this forum can use help from time to time. I only wish I had more to offer than always being the guy to ask the questions but I guess in some ways I am helping by asking in the first place. We challenge each other.

    OK, enough mushy talk!

    You are vital to our forum David thank you for your humble attitude and all the effort you put in!!

  3. ThioJoe made a video warning people the he makes humorous videos that you should not follow as truth. However he has what he claims to be a legitimate set of videos to actually help people.

    The problem is how do we know for sure what is fiction and what is truth. I would like to believe him but I just cant unless I have something to back it up. I think he screwed himself by starting the fake videos and then trying to go legit. So he is technically a dumba** anyway.

  4. I'm trying to show an exterior bi-fold door system 12 feet wide with 4 panels. One main active door on the left and 3 bi-fold panels that fold to the right. Is there a way to accomplish this? I cant find anything in the library.

    Please Help

  5. Thanks Guys!

    I was having trouble making my pool equipment enclosure using the retaining walls as a room because it kept messing up my terrain levels. The terrain wall would have been perfect to use but it wouldn't except the gates I wanted to put in it.

    So I ended up making a room with an exterior wall and three invisible walls and I just lowered the elevation of the room to get what I wanted.


    I would like to know if I could have started this whole project different. Was wondering if maybe I should have started with a basement under the entire deck area because maybe I wouldn't have had so many problems with putting the deck in over a retaining wall.


    Anyway, wanted to share my thoughts and maybe get a little feed back. This is the first time I ever dealt with these different levels. Its not easy to get the terrain to do what you want it to do. 



  6. I would like to build some solid concrete stairs with a landing from a deck down to the pool area. I can think of ways to do it and have before but I would like some direction and other suggestions for a more simple way to build it. My way is very time consuming.


    Please help if you can

    Thank You

  7. 3 minutes ago, solver said:

    Just dragging the walls did not seem to work for me as the retaining wall below wanted to move with them.


    Using temporary dimensions did work.

    Yes this is the same issue im have. What magic trick do you use David?