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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Looks like they all start with 8" CMU How does Chief know not to build framing in those walls? Just thinking out loud.
  2. What if you knew the wall type names?
  3. Looking at the Object Information looks like you could use a custom field. So with Ruby you need to process the following: Is the window or door in a Masonry wall? What is the width of the window Use a table to determine the Label text Create a custom field with the appropriate width You may need to create a layer for the new label, not sure how placement in the plan would work You would need a way to update the label if the window width was changed Is that something Ruby could do?
  4. I use a table with call out for labeling lintels in my framing plan. As you know most are basic 8x8x? lintels & the label is based on the length. In AutoCAD I created a LISP routine that allows me to click on the end points of the window measuring its width. The routine then places a label like L-5 etc. to reference a chart. So is there any way to facilitate this labeling in Chief? LintelLabel.lsp
  5. Thank you Eric. That method worked.
  6. Wow Does it bother anyone else that there is NO command line feedback from Chief when you enter a command or hit UNDO. In AutoCAD when you enter a command it tells you if the command was successful or gives an error. When you undo it tells you what command was undone. I feel like I'm in that dark with Chief.
  7. OK i turned them into solids & now they display as SHAPE type objects. But they will still not UNION Psolid Hole.plan
  8. I was able to create the p-solid in plan view & add the hole. Then creating the turn down p-solid and converted them both to Solids. Only then could I move them together. While they were p-solidsI could not use the point to point move as only one or the other would allow a snap selection point. As Solids I was able to move then together but they will not UNION.
  9. So to get that turn down need to create the solid in plan view, puch the hole. Create a solid for the turn down portion & then join them?
  10. I'm trying to punch a hole in this psolid I used for a awning roof. The solid was create in elevation view. For some reason I can not create a psolid hold from that pline. Psolid_Hole.plan
  11. I suppose you could run the plywood under the stringers if the headroom were not an issue. In place of the clips you could use a Simpson H16. Have you been using the SDWC screws from Simpson? Cost 60 cent to 1$ each but fast to install and quite strong. Off to dinner, catch you later.
  12. Nice idea Mick, but when you consider the run of the grain of the wood you are not gaining much strength. But it would be easier to install.
  13. Yes it was not clear in the previous section. Thanks for checking though. Another set of eyes is always good. I seldom have someone to look things over. The subs ask the GC & then I get a call and the fire drill begins.
  14. The CAD Mask only work in 2D. Eric, Very nice. I'll dig into it tomorrow. How much work was it? I have 3 stairs in 3 building to do. Actually, I only need to do that when I need a camera view of the space.
  15. The trouble with the workarounds is when they come back to you and ask the stair 2 & 3 be pushed forward 3 inches. If you use some tricky landings and such the editing can be tedious. Just wish ceiling plane would cut the floor envelope. I'd send to Tech support but don't want to be called (inferred) an idiot twice in one week.
  16. I'm trying to cut the pointy floor off so it looks like it will be built. At this point I tried the sloped ceiling plane but the pointy thing persists. I circled what looks like part of the ceiling plain. Guess I can blank it out with a poly object for section views but no help with camera views.
  17. I have this condition time after time. Is there a method that will handle this condition? Remove the ceiling portion while still having a floor under the foot of the stair.
  18. Well no help from Chief ================================================= Wednesday, Feb 07, 2018 - 01:59 PM PST Hello Charles, Thank you for contacting Technical Support. This is not really a software issue but a how-to question. For these types of questions, I recommend taking advantage of the ChiefTalk forum or your other online help resources: For example, if you search the Knowledgebase for this type of scenario, you should find this article: In that example, they use a garage, but because porches share a similar floor structure, you can apply the same techniques to raise or lower the floor for the porch to whatever you want. ================================================= Charles Butler Thursday, Feb 08, 2018 - 09:25 AM PST Thanks but auto foundations are usually good for the first build & then any modifications I make need to stay. So keeping auto foundations does not work for me. See attached picture of the front porch & the mess the foundation causes in the corners. I was able to use the wall layer tool to fix the corner but when the drawing is saved & reopened the problem reappears. I have yet to find a helpful comprehensive foundation video or article for complex foundations. ================================================= Monday, Feb 12, 2018 - 06:26 AM PST You could just adjust the height of the stem wall in the room specification for the porch as shown in that article I sent. It fixes the wall issues that you encountered and doesn't require rebuilding the foundation. But, if you don't want to do that I would recommend posting this to the forums or setting up time with a trainer for additional suggestions. ================================================= Charles Butler Tuesday, Feb 13, 2018 - 02:49 PM PST I've already tried the Forum before I came to you. I also tried auto rebuild foundations, no luck. Looking at several videos and no solution. I've been using Chief from X7 to X10 so I would think I could easily fix this issue. So why not send me the corrected plan file so I can look at what you did to fix it? ================================================= Wednesday, Feb 14, 2018 - 06:03 AM PST Technical Support can troubleshoot problems with the software, but we cannot offer plan completion services or training. So, I offered you a solution, if you don't know how to adjust the stem wall height of the porch, I suggest reading the article I sent you. That's where I learned about the stem wall height settings that worked for me on your porch. Again, I didn't have to rebuild the foundation to make it work. ================================================= Apparently, I am too stupid to figure this out on my own so would one of you more knowledgeable folks offer a solution? Thanks for any advice on this matter.
  19. Mick, They need to be top chord bearing on a block wall. I guess if the wall is "Baloon through the ceiling" maybe the truss would build correctly.
  20. I can generate a usable interior view. For the trusses I can do a CAD from view & then rotate the trusses (lines) in that view. This will work for my current needs.
  21. Micheal, Great effort to create these Bar joist. I was trying to use them on my current building with a flat roof. Well almost flat. That is the problem I am having, I need to rotate them to 1/4" per foot slope. Is that doable with your method?
  22. Spoke too soon. Again when saved it breaks again when reopened. I turned it over to tech support. Let's see what they have to say.
  23. Thanks, Mick, I see now that the problem looks like the 1st floor but it is a foundation wall issue. That fixed it on my end too. I appreciate your time.