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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. OK if I use my20" wall I can not add the pass-through & if I build two walls there is a gap between the window & pass-through with no siding. How did you manage that?
  2. Oh I should have remembered that trick. Thanks Eric.
  3. See attached pictures. The window is recessed and mounts in the inner wall. material regions are easy but I have trouble with showing & building the framing & plan view. I tried a 20" wall with 2 framing layers but does not work well. Looks like drywall surfaces work ok with the 20" wall but not the framing. Any suggestions? St Pete
  4. My plot was 1974 kb plotting to Foxit Phantom PDF printer it is 3892 kb
  5. Just to be clear you are keeping track of the sheet/layout Label & not the details on it. When you add your details to that layout you would also add an object that passes the layout label to the callout in the elevation view.
  6. Well, aren't you clever. Thinking inside the box, Layout box that is. That will do for now. Thank you for the suggestion. I suppose there is no way a macro can keep track of a Layout Label while not residing in that layout?
  7. I don't think I'm making myself clear. In plan you create a "Back clipped camera view". You sent to sheet A-16 and the Camera in plan shows the A-16 reference. Then in A-15 you have sent elevation camera of the front elevation. You open the front view and you add a callout in the same location as the section view that you have in plan view. This callout needs to reference sheet A-16 where the cross-section view is. So the "A-16" is automatically updated in the plan view cross-section Camey's display callout id the sheet number changes. I want the callout displayed in the front view elevation to change from A-16 to the new sheet number. If you have some sort of "Marker" like a text object that holds the sheet number placed in that A-16 sheet. Then a macro that reads the marker for that "A-16" sheet label so the callout will update.
  8. OK a new feature then. I want to drop "sheet marker" on say A-17 and then use a macro placed in the Callout that would display that sheet number.
  9. Personally, I get mixed results copying text from PDF, word, web page, etc. when pasting into a Rich Text object. So I paste into my text editor which removed the formatting & then I copy & paste into Chief.
  10. Thanks for the replies. The details are on sheet A-16. So if I placed a text macro in layout sheet A-16 that referenced the sheet # it would update if the sheet became A-17. But how to link those call outs back to the text macro on the sheet that now shows A-17?
  11. Joey, My point was how to make them auto update if you change the sheet number?
  12. In plan view, I have several "Backclipped Cross Section" cameras & sent them to a layout. In a building elevation view I wanted to show these as well so I added several corresponding Callouts. Is there any way to link the sheet # to the callouts so they will update when adding or deleting a sheet?
  13. Thanks Tommy, what about the other directions?
  14. PS moving the block with the arrow Keys works as expected but MOVE command the X-axis relative to itself moves the block toward or away from my view.
  15. I have trouble in exterior elevations when moving a solid. Are all elevation axes relative to the camera or the plan view or what? Trying to move a solid I get confusing results. In a section view moving a block I get confused. What are the rules for this?
  16. This is a nonstandard building, i.e. not a house Drop ceilings at 9' and 16' The two roofs slopes to rear at 1/4" per foot. Taller roof baseline is 16' AFF Lower roof baseline is 12' AFF There is another low roof under the 16' roof that pops out from under it. So should I set the ceiling height at 16' and No flat ceiling? And add roof planes at the desired heights. Set the Roof plane Structure to reflect a built-up roof? 2" pan & 8" insulation Roof surface TPO Add bar joist manually. Just wanted to confirm that this is the best approach. I have tried the second-floor technique used by Joe but I can not manage that well. Thanks for your input. va z hills revised plan.pdf va z hills section.pdf
  17. I would use DensGlass or
  18. ACADuser


    Working in Florida as I do I would show a large recess into the trusses in the garage ceiling. The AHU would go there. All ducts would go through the attic. If the customer is going to remain in the house for say 15-20 years I would suggest a conditioned attic. The insulation will cost more but AC saving, in the long run, will pay off. ( I don't have the actual numbers) Also the AC tonnage drops. It's very rare to see floor registers in Florida. Usually, a Northern builder trying to build in Florida. If you need a register in the basement then a chase from the attic is easy to hide. It's also rare to see a basement in Florida. The water table in most places is too high.
  19. Thanks that worked a treat. I guess before I had used the Leader Line tool and did not get the results I needed.
  20. So I have a front elevation & almost finished annotating it and realize my leader heads are too small. So how can I group select the leaders & change the arrow size in mass? I would resort to the Object Eye Dropper but it is useless as it will not transfer arrow size. Any suggestion for group select?
  21. Thanks Mick for pointing me to this thread. Using rotate plan view to work in say -90 I expect Chief to operate as if that is the new plan view for that edit session. But Nudge, Move etc. make it difficult to actually work in that view. I expected the coordinate system to follow that view. I do not want to Rotate the plan permanently but do want to work in that view not just look around. I did send a service request for this.
  22. Using rotate plan view to work in say -90 I expect Chief to operate as if that is the new plan view for that edit session. But Nudge, Move etc. make it difficult to actually work in that view. I expected the coordinate system to follow that view. I do not want to Rotate the plan permanently but do want to work in that view not just look around.
  23. I have a building that the Contractor wants on smaller layout sheets. This causes me to have to rotate & scale down the plan views and to rotate & scale up the text. I do not want to "Rotate the Plan" in the plan file but I do want to rotate the view in layout and the text. In AutoCAD you can temporarily rotate the drawing environment (plan file) so you can work with the new orientation. All CAD & text are drawn in the new orientation & remain that way when you rotate the view back to Normal. Can that be done in Chief?