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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Well, I spoke too soon. It updates in the NOTE but not in the schedule. It now displays 99 in the schedule. Yes, I had a custom field I thought I could use in the schedule. Back to the drawing board.
  2. Well, I finally conquered my issue with room number that needs to start with 100 and not 101. Using a Note in each room and a Room schedule, the following macro, my first real Marco BTW, will display room numbers per floor starting at 100, 200 etc. # Macro by ACADuser # Return Room Schedule Note Number plus 99 for Romm Numbers starting at 100 on floor 1 # returns 200 on floor 2 etc. referenced ? obj=referenced : obj = owner begin room_num = obj.schedule_number.to_i room_number = (room_num + 99 * floor_number).to_s $Name = room_number rescue "" end
  3. Just use the Change Hinge Side Tool
  4. I get pdf files that fade so I have to print them separately with an Autocad created border & use a PDF editor to replace the Chief output pdf page that was designated for that pdf. It seems that there is no easy fix for Chief.
  5. OK I see now. I would need to choose "Custom Color" for it to work. I'll report your findings. Thanks
  6. Sorry, I miss spoke. I meant to say "Fill Transparency" It does fill the new rectangle but with no transparency.
  7. I did not change any properties of the rectangle on the right. Is there a Preference for polylines?
  8. But the Object Eyedropper does not offer the Fill as an Option.
  9. Oh wow, I guess I forgot the fill eyedropper! Thanks, Michael. Wonder why the fill properties are not added to the Object eyedropper?
  10. PLan file attached with 2 rectangles. The left one is filled 90% and needs 90% solid fill on the right one. Untitled 1.plan
  11. So there is hope for me. Screen_Recording_(3-5-2020_6-55-22_PM).zip
  12. Am I doing something wrong or does the Object Eyedropper not copy/transfer the Fill transparencies for closed polylines?
  13. We're are still on Florida Building Code 2017. It always irritated me that the building department communicates via Red Tags!
  14. I converted my CAD break symbols for use in Chief. Enjoy Break Symbol.calibz
  15. The one within 60" of the shower & <60" above the floor is required according to our FBCR 2017 R308.4.5
  16. FYI, I'm going round & round on the trey ceiling framing issue with tech support as we speak.
  17. I joined the 90 deg walls first & the dragged the odd angle wall into them. Double-wall, make the southernmost a wall with NO room definition CHF_David 1st Floor_AS-BUILT_02-25-20_V2.plan
  18. All I did was put the offset wall & change the width
  19. There are many helpful folks here on the form that have helped me along the way. I'm still learning and have found that the larger jobs tens to slow the hardware down quite a bit. Notes and schedules are troublesome. But if you put then in a CAD detail that helps. Fancy tables & schedules are not possible with just a Chief schedule. You will need to build a header and even column titles as Rich Text. That said I did a 7 story condo and several small commercial buildings using Chief. The 747 used sketchup for exteriors Good Luck with your transition.
  20. I'm confused, as I often am, if you put the image at #38 and cover it with a simi transparent filled pline @ 37 you get a faded look but The OP said it still obscures the property lines. So what are the property lines? And what draw order are they set to?
  21. Looks like you're getting deep into the pallets, have you seen any computer slowdown?
  22. Yes and very time consuming to fix.
  23. Thanks for sharing that information Steve.
  24. Yes I see it now. It is X12 See attached. I had to do the following to fix all the issues: Make Stair open underneath 1. Added a wall in the powder room & edited it in 3D view. Also, put on a new wall layer not shown in plan view 2. P-solid at the ceiling 3. made this part of the wall an invisible wall segment. 4. another P-solid
  25. No problem [X12] BTW I added a hidden wall to separate the hallway so the molding lines I added would not run wild. I added base molding separate from the crown molding line as the doorways were a problem. See 2 molding layers.