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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Take a look at this one. Mono Slab.plan
  2. Very funny, but it has to be connected to a drainpipe before it will work.
  3. My point was that the Internal_area is rounded off & I'm forced to use the ceiling area to get decimal accuracy.
  4. That is the way it was when I inserted it. But I just repeated the process & it came out OK. Toilet ADA Flushvalve.calibz
  5. Ok, back to this project. The is a Chief rounded number. I found was a close as I could come to the correct number. If you select a ROOM and look at its properties you get this: background_color_from_background..................... true background_color_from_layer......................... false base_moldings............................... [NVPublisher] cantilever_underside_material................. NVPublisher ceiling_elevation................................... 108.0 ceiling_finish_layers.......... [NVPublisher, NVPublisher] ceiling_finish_name......................... Color - White ceiling_insulation............................ NVPublisher ceiling_platform_layers..................... [NVPublisher] ceiling_thermal_envelope_area.......... 167.67399790629196 chair_rail_moldings.................................... [] conditioned.......................................... true conditioned_is_set_to_use_default_value.............. true crown_moldings......................................... [] custom_pattern_scale.................................. 1.0 dimensions................................ 12'-6" x 13'-5" drawing_group..................... default:_35_-_room_fill fill_color_from_background.......................... false fill_color_from_layer............................... false fill_line_weight........................................ 1 finished_ceiling_elevation.......................... 107.5 finished_floor_elevation............................ 0.125 floor_ceiling_group..................................... 1 floor_elevation....................................... 0.0 floor_finish_layers......................... [NVPublisher] floor_finish_name....................... Floor-C4 Laminate floor_insulation.............................. NVPublisher floor_number............................................ 1 floor_platform_layers.......... [NVPublisher, NVPublisher] floor_thermal_envelope_area............ 167.67399790629196 function........................................... Living has_ceiling.......................................... true has_floor........................................... false has_floor_supplied_by_room_below..................... true has_monolithic_slab................................. false has_roof............................................. true has_shelf_ceiling................................... false include_in_living_area............................... true include_in_living_area_is_set_to_use_default_value... true include_in_schedule.................................. true internal_area....................................... 168.0 layer............................................... rooms layer_is_default..................................... true layer_line_color............................... 2151678207 layer_line_style...................................... 111 layer_line_weight...................................... 18 layer_set...................................... Floor Plan layer_text_style....................... Default Text Style moldings.................................... [NVPublisher] name.......................................... lab / blood pattern_angle......................................... 0.0 pattern_color_from_background....................... false pattern_color_from_layer............................ false pattern_horizontal_spacing............................ 8.0 pattern_vertical_spacing.............................. 8.0 perimeter............................... 622.0000000000006 schedule_number....................................... R67 show_room_label...................................... true simple_schedule_number................................. 67 standard_area....................................... 187.0 stem_wall_height..................................... 16.0 stem_wall_top_elevation............................... 0.0 transparent_pattern................................. false type_name.......................................... Office use_type_for_name................................... false volume................................. 1500.3329604323415 wall_coverings......................................... [] wall_material................................. NVPublisher If you make a Room polyline it follows the drywall perimeter and has an area of 167.67 Therefore the only other way to get close to the interior area is to use the dimensions & that too is rounded off.
  6. See attached with seat & flush valve added.
  7. Thanks fellas, I just downloaded the Kohler Catalog, it's massive!
  8. I see you must have the Kohler catalog loaded. I've never loaded that catalog due to its size. Is there a performance penalty for loading large catalogs? The toilet bowls I see in your post look like tank-type toilets without the tank shown. I'm sure there must be some flush valve toilets too. I had forgotten about the Kohler catalog. Thanks for reminding me.
  9. I found one at 3DWarehouse but not great. Anyone have one to share?
  10. I don't understand how to use the tab to move at an angle when using odd angles. Perhaps I'm trying to use the wrong tool. I just want to move the 2 legs 36" without all the guidelines I had to create. Is there a way to do this? Untitled
  11. Thanks for that info Joe. I keep dipping my toes into Ruby but they are all black & blue at this time.
  12. Found the source: Maybe the units were off? I don't remember that issue.
  13. Not sure where I got this one. R Tub.calibz
  14. Thanks This seems to work in a Rich Text object when placed in the room: Not sure what I was domh wrom before. ######################################################## # Macro Name: "room_internal_area" # Displays the internal area of the room a Note is in. ######################################################## # Copywrite by Joseph P. Carrick, August 2, 2019 ######################################################## # Macro --> myRoomArea referenced ? obj= referenced : obj=owner begin rescue "Failed to get Area" end
  15. Looking at the ROOM data I'm not sure where the Room Area variable is. Looking at Joe's macro, he used It appears that the variable is already rounded. Not sure if this is new. What I wanted is the area the Room polyline is based on. 369.83 --> Measurement I see several area variables, but how to get the one I want? How do you know what prefix to get the area you want? Data Type: String base_moldings ------------------- size = 1 ---------------------- Collection [0] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher component_moldings ------ size = 0 ---------------------- Collection description ------------- "base molding: PVC 4" Base" --- String formatted_size ---------- "1x4" ------------------------- String length ------------------ 600 in ------------------------ Measurement room -------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ cantilever_underside_material --- ------------------------------ NVPublisher id -------------------------- 133 --------------------------- Integer name ------------------------ "Color - White" --------------- String ceiling_elevation --------------- 108 in ------------------------ Measurement ceiling_finish_layers ----------- size = 2 ---------------------- Collection [0] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area -------------------- 373.153214 sq ft -------------- Measurement material_data ----------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher description --------- "Square Ceiling Tiles" -------- String formatted_size ------ "24"x24"x1/2"" ---------------- String quantity ------------ 93.5 -------------------------- Measurement owner ------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ thickness --------------- 0.5 in ------------------------ Measurement [1] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area -------------------- 369.825474 sq ft -------------- Measurement material_data ----------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher description --------- "Color - White" --------------- String formatted_size ------ "" ---------------------------- String quantity ------------ 369.825474 sq ft -------------- Measurement owner ------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ thickness --------------- 0 in -------------------------- Measurement ceiling_finish_name ------------- "Color - White" --------------- String ceiling_insulation -------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area ------------------------ 369.825474 sq ft -------------- Measurement cavity_r_value -------------- 0.0 --------------------------- Float continuous_r_value ---------- 0.0 --------------------------- Float depth ----------------------- 12 in ------------------------- Measurement formatted_size -------------- "12x24x48" batts" ------------- String length ---------------------- 48 in ------------------------- Measurement num_batts ------------------- 46.25 ------------------------- Measurement owner ----------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE --------------- ------------------------------ width ----------------------- 24 in ------------------------- Measurement ceiling_platform_layers --------- size = 1 ---------------------- Collection [0] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area -------------------- 0 sq ft ----------------------- Measurement material_data ----------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher description --------- "Steel Stud 24" OC" ----------- String formatted_size ------ "" ---------------------------- String quantity ------------ 0 ----------------------------- Measurement rebar_length ------------ 0 in -------------------------- Measurement rebar_size -------------- 0 ----------------------------- Integer room -------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ thickness --------------- 2 in -------------------------- Measurement ceiling_thermal_envelope_area --- 369.825474 sq ft -------------- Measurement chair_rail_moldings ------------- size = 0 ---------------------- Collection crown_moldings ------------------ size = 0 ---------------------- Collection custom_pattern_scale ------------ 1.0 --------------------------- Float dimensions ---------------------- "14'-10" x 23'-10"" ----------- String drawing_group ------------------- default:_35_-_room_fill ------- Symbol fill_line_weight ---------------- 1 ----------------------------- Integer finished_ceiling_elevation ------ 107.5 in ---------------------- Measurement finished_floor_elevation -------- 0.125 in ---------------------- Measurement floor_ceiling_group ------------- 1 ----------------------------- Integer floor_elevation ----------------- 0 in -------------------------- Measurement floor_finish_layers ------------- size = 1 ---------------------- Collection [0] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area -------------------- 371.216099 sq ft -------------- Measurement material_data ----------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher description --------- "Floor-C4 Laminate" ----------- String formatted_size ------ "1/8" thick" ------------------ String quantity ------------ 371.216099 sq ft -------------- Measurement owner ------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ thickness --------------- 0.125 in ---------------------- Measurement floor_finish_name --------------- "Floor-C4 Laminate" ----------- String floor_insulation ---------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area ------------------------ 0 sq ft ----------------------- Measurement cavity_r_value -------------- 0.0 --------------------------- Float continuous_r_value ---------- 0.0 --------------------------- Float depth ----------------------- 12 in ------------------------- Measurement formatted_size -------------- "12x24x48" batts" ------------- String length ---------------------- 48 in ------------------------- Measurement num_batts ------------------- 0 ----------------------------- Measurement owner ----------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE --------------- ------------------------------ width ----------------------- 24 in ------------------------- Measurement floor_number -------------------- 1 ----------------------------- Integer floor_platform_layers ----------- size = 2 ---------------------- Collection [0] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area -------------------- 0 sq ft ----------------------- Measurement material_data ----------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher description --------- "OSB-Hrz" --------------------- String formatted_size ------ "48"x96"x3/4"" ---------------- String quantity ------------ 0 ----------------------------- Measurement rebar_length ------------ 0 in -------------------------- Measurement rebar_size -------------- 0 ----------------------------- Integer room -------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ thickness --------------- 0 in -------------------------- Measurement [1] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher area -------------------- 0 sq ft ----------------------- Measurement material_data ----------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher description --------- "Concrete" -------------------- String formatted_size ------ "4" thick" -------------------- String quantity ------------ 0 cu ft ----------------------- Measurement rebar_length ------------ 0 in -------------------------- Measurement rebar_size -------------- 0 ----------------------------- Integer room -------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ thickness --------------- 4 in -------------------------- Measurement floor_thermal_envelope_area ----- 369.825474 sq ft -------------- Measurement function ------------------------ "Living" ---------------------- String internal_area ------------------- 370 sq ft --------------------- Measurement layer --------------------------- rooms ------------------------- Symbol layer_line_color ---------------- 2151678207 -------------------- Integer layer_line_style ---------------- 111 --------------------------- Integer layer_line_weight --------------- 18 ---------------------------- Integer layer_set ----------------------- "Floor Plan" ------------------ String layer_text_style ---------------- "Default Text Style" ---------- String moldings ------------------------ size = 1 ---------------------- Collection [0] ------------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher component_moldings ------ size = 0 ---------------------- Collection description ------------- "base molding: PVC 4" Base" --- String formatted_size ---------- "1x4" ------------------------- String length ------------------ 600 in ------------------------ Measurement room -------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher SEE ABOVE ----------- ------------------------------ name ---------------------------- "Shared Medical" -------------- String pattern_angle ------------------- 0.0 --------------------------- Float pattern_horizontal_spacing ------ 8 in -------------------------- Measurement pattern_vertical_spacing -------- 8 in -------------------------- Measurement perimeter ----------------------- 1020.936748 in ---------------- Measurement schedule_number ----------------- "R69" ------------------------- String simple_schedule_number ---------- "69" -------------------------- String standard_area ------------------- 389 sq ft --------------------- Measurement stem_wall_height ---------------- 16 in ------------------------- Measurement stem_wall_top_elevation --------- 0 in -------------------------- Measurement type_name ----------------------- "Office" ---------------------- String volume -------------------------- 3309.16752 cu ft -------------- Measurement wall_coverings ------------------ size = 0 ---------------------- Collection wall_material ------------------- ------------------------------ NVPublisher id -------------------------- -32765 ------------------------ Integer name ------------------------ "No Change" ------------------- String
  16. We are required to have a truss layout for permitting and the truss company will not release the drawing until they are sure you are buying their trusses. So most of the time I draw trusses & connectors & load paths to get the permit. Once we have the truss drawings I revise the plan if needed for the actual truss layout. On most jobs, there is not enough change to warrant changing the plans. Just make adjustments in the field. The truss company is certifying the trusses & the original drawing engineering is in agreement with the loads so no change needed. If there is a load that does not match up a letter from the engineer explaining the adjustments is all that is needed.
  17. Thank you Joe! I got this to work too: _area = owner.area if $roof_tl.nil? $roof_tl=40.0 # Global Roof Total Load = 40.0 asphalt roofing elsif $roof_tl < 35.0 $roof_tl=40.0 end _RL=(_area.to_f * $roof_tl) if _area.nil? "No Area" else _area=_area.to_f plf = "AREA LOAD "+(_area * $roof_tl).round(1).to_s + "#" end BTW is there a simple way to add code tags to this forum post?
  18. How about this one? _area = owner.area if _area.nil? "No Area" else _area=_area.to_f plf = (_area * $roof_t).round(1).to_s end
  19. Wow, you mean we can not multiply a floating-point value by an integer? I'm sure this worked last time I used it in X11. Yes, it looks very difficult to troubleshoot ruby in Chief. How do you find out a variable value during the run of a routine? I don't see a way to test a variable to see if it is a string, integer or float.
  20. Thanks for that Joe. I started playing around again after not using these macros for some time. There is another error I can not understand. # total_roof_Load_CMU_wall_Label # apply to a closed polyline label. # ================================= # Alan Butler 10/06/2018 # Calculate the roof + wall + foundation weight for a # onestory 10' CMU wall + 2' stem wall # Foundation 16"x8" 150# concrete # ================================= _area = owner.area if $roof_ti.nil? $roof_ti=40.0 # Global Roof Total Load = 40.0 asphalt roofing elsif $roof_tl < 35.0 $roof_tl=40.0 end _roofTL = $roof_tl _RL=(_area * _roofTL) cmu8psf=55.0 # normal average weight 8" block w/ verticals grouted @ 48"oc ftr_w= 16.0 #footer width in inches ftr_h= 8.0 #footer heith in inches ftr_wt= (ftr_w*ftr_h/144.0*150) #footer weight in PLF w/ 150# / ft3 CC wall_ht= 10.0 # wall height wall_wt= ((wall_ht + 2.0) * cmu8psf) # 10'-0" CMU wall weight with 3 course stem wall = 12' total height plf = (wall_wt+ftr_wt+(_area * _roofTL)).round(1) # Wall + Footer + Roof psf=(plf / (ftr_w / 12.0)).round(1) # soil PSF str="Roof Load #{_area.round(1).to_s} x #{$roof_tl.to_s} TL=#{ (_area.round(1)*$roof_tl).to_s} PLF\n" \ + "CMU Wall #{wall_wt.round(0)} PLF \n"\ + "16x8 Foundation #{ftr_wt.round(1).to_s} PLF \n"\ + "#{plf.to_s} PLF TL on Soil \n"\ + "#{psf.to_s} PSF Soil Load" I don't remember this error before. Evaluation Error: Ruby ArgumentError: cannot add a Measurement of area to a unitless value Stack Trace: from (eval):28:in `+' from (eval):28:in `block (3 levels) in <main>' from (eval):1:in `instance_eval' from (eval):1:in `block (2 levels) in <main>' from eval:9:in `eval' from eval:9:in `block (2 levels) in <main>' from eval:3:in `loop' from eval:3:in `block in <main>'
  21. What I want to do is test a global variable to see if I already assigned a valid value to it. If not assign a value now. Any value < 35 or nil is invalid for my requirements if $roof_tl < 35.0 $roof_tl=40.0 end This is the error Evaluation Error: Ruby NoMethodError: undefined method `<' for nil:NilClass
  22. ACADuser


    I see framers that don't know the difference between a ridge board and a ridge beam. So they should not be making structural decisions with the roof framing. To be fair with the framers I sub work from an Archicet that doesn't know the difference either. And don't get me started on collar ties. Nice to have something to think about other than Covid-19. Thanks
  23. ACADuser


    FYI, I found this post informative years ago. You should not have to "jump through hoops" to create a cantilever truss. It needs to be a CHECKBOX
  24. ACADuser


    Personally I don't care how structurally accurate they are as they are schematic for me. The truss guy's do all the hard work but the building departments want a representation of trusses on the plans. So I want to quickly build them by pushing a button and with the correct envelope dimensions and place them on top of the wall as I specified.
  25. ACADuser


    Wow, rafters on a new house. Remind me again how far you can span a 5/12 pitch roof with a vaulted or coffered ceiling?