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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. I have a 17400 sq ft office building single floor & was asked to calculate the base board length needed. Not having any experience with the material list function I ran a list for All Floors and the base is not included. So there must be to have the base included, right? Or is there a simpler way to get the total length f baseboards in the building. BTW The toilet rooms will not get baseboards
  2. Do all these methods work with the "Material List" function in Chief?
  3. Would a roof or ceiling plane work.? Edit: If you did a sloped floor you would need to do pews cut for the slope. Rich has a good idea using stairs. Railings are a good thing too.
  4. Check out these tie-downs
  5. BTW if the installers missed the location use MSTM16 for the repair More options:
  6. We use truss on top of the block with Simpson META16 usually. HETA16 for higher loads & 2 each for girders. The trusses come with a pre attached galvanized strip so the wood does not bear on the concrete.
  7. If you have checked Railings / Solid like you show in the picture you posted, the nexit item should look like this.
  8. Under Newels/Balusters, below Rail Style you can select the rail height
  9. Not sure what you are asking. Open the material tab to select another type of glass.
  10. What would help is an absolute plate height for exterior walls & breaking walls. Can't tell what is one story & what may be a 2nd story.
  11. Most likely a Version issue. Contact Rabbit for some help.
  12. Welcome to Chief. Often it easier for folks to troubleshoot if you include a plan file with your post. There are many factors that can play a part in the solution. The room created by the fireplace space can have a shelf ceiling or use railing walls to get to 9' I have not needed a "Pass through" to place the fireplace. Post a stripped down plan with your issues so someone can take a look. Make sure the plan file is not open in chief before you upload it as Chief locks the file & the upload will have zero content.
  13. If that is a living area generated polyline the excluded areas are holes made from polylines & can be edited. They may take a bit of tabbing to actually select them but then you can break 2 times & pull the polyline over that wall as desired to get the total you want. Not sure that is what you are looking for.
  14. I have a schedule for impervious Area on a site plan. Is there any way to use a formula from the schedule total? Something like this: TotalArea / LotArea = [Percent_Of_Impervious] .round(2).to_s + "%"
  15. Is there a way to add key locks on cabinet doors? Medical office wants the locks shown.
  16. I'm going to push them in this direction. Doesn't look bad on the roof. IMO
  17. Thanks John, that unit requires a 14" deep CU which is not shown. The RV units look promising. Thanks Shayne, hadn't thought of that approach. Will check it out. Thanks
  18. I have a situation where the client wants a small AC unit for the Cabana toilet room. The issue is the Cabana is very close to the property line. Anything within 3 feet of the property line needs to be one hour fire rated. And they don;t allow equipment in the 3 feet. The side is set back to 3'-6" & I could push it a bit more. Maybe to 4', so I need a very shallow condensing unit. They don't want it on the roof because you can see it from the 3rd floor. It can't be on the South side ether.
  19. Your walk line is at 2'-5". If you measure the tread at 12" out front the inner radius the tread will be less than 10". That's my best guess. I'm nut sure Chief is preventing this due to code.