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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. Thanks guys...both methods work but I like Scott's method a little better because choosing "General Framing" puts the item on a "Cad, Framing" layer...and the "beam" method puts it on the "Framing, floor beams" layer...which works better for me. But...both ideas are great and helped me learn something this morning. Thanks much!
  2. Is there a way to manually draw a flat 2x4 plate? I know I can create a plate using a P-Solid...but, is there a way to do this using a framing tool? Thanks
  3. Thanks Joe...I had not seen that menu item. Appreciate the help!
  4. Never mind...I figured it out. I had placed a door from the "coachman Collection"...and then I tried to replace the door using the "door dbx"...clicking "library". Well...that does not work. In order to use the panels as a garage door...just click on the panel you want and place the door into the wall. Voila! Works as designed....
  5. How do you use these garage door panels? They are individual you have to use them to create a new door "door symbol"? When you select one to be the garage becomes one single "distorted" panel...not a multi-panel as you would suspect it would. - Is there a simple raised panel garage door in the library? I can't seem to find one.
  6. I have a Mac with Sierra. X8 worked well...just installed X9 - so haven't used long enough to know for sure...but, so far no problems. Scott Hall has a Mac...don't believe he's had problems. He may chime in.
  7. Nice...but tell us how you accomplish this.
  8. In a's heartening to know I'm not the only one having trouble with dimensioning a plot plan. Thanks everyone for the tips and advice.
  9. I don't think it's a "plan issue"...I think it's a user (me) issue. I think Glenn may have nailed it. It's probably an "angle snap" issue. I could not get the dim line to snap from the setback line or the property line. They were parallel. Just wouldn't snap. The lines are just simple Cad complex. Think you have figured it out... Thanks all...I appreciate the help.
  10. Why don't the dim tools seem to work? Why can't I just grab the end to end dim tool and get a dimension. It doesn't even find a place along the line to "select".
  11. John - I know how to create the perimeter...just wondered how you created the elevation lines? Did you just trace the PDF? Thanks for helping out...
  12. Sorry lost me. What tool?
  13. I should add that I am trying to dimension the site plan in a "Cad Detail" window...maybe that is the problem?
  14. Thanks Perry...the S/B lines are parallel. Just double checked. I used concentric mode when I created the setback, they should remain parallel. Is there a way to force a dimension type to be "perpendicular"? Such as using either tab or some other method?
  15. Good won't regret it. I never used the "Magic Mouse" I didn't feel this device would "point" as accurately as is needed when working in Chief. I purchased a wireless Logitech works perfectly...and it's fast. Also...I have the slider along the bottom of my Chief window to move the screen horizontally...but Apple does not use the buttons on either end. I have found that if I need to move the window...I use the arrow keys on the keyboard. Or...I press down and hold the scroll wheel on the mouse and I can move the page anywhere I want.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to work on this... Did you just trace the lines on the PDF?
  17. How do you dimension the distance between the property line and the setback line? I can't seem to get any of the dimension styles to "click" onto these lines. Do I have to draw a perpendicular line and add arrows to the line...and show the dimension? Surely I'm missing something simple... Thanks
  18. Pat is my friend. You might be right...I might be able to get the file. I've asked...we will see. Thanks!
  19. Thanks guys...I'm not sure that will work for this job. It's a lot my friend just purchased in North Carolina. I will ask him if he can get it. The subdivision went belly up in 2009...most of the companies are most likely gone. Other than getting the I just trace the major contours? This job does not require perfection.
  20. I need to create a site plan for a lot that is on a steep hill. The only document I have is a PDF topo. It shows the elevation counters. Is there anyway I can import this data? If there a place I can get the data...such as a local government agency website? If not...would I just have to trace the contour lines on the PDF? Thanks! LOT 28R - 1741 Grassy Meadow - TOPO Survey.pdf
  21. Scott, I've been screwing around with this on and off all day... I did what Joe suggested. I have the balcony over the deck. I learned that a balcony floor is defined just like a "room", I changed the joist to 9 1/4 treated. For the floor finish I used the decking material. I also had to remove the "ceiling" in the floor DBX so that I could see the joists from below. I also had to change the material for the rim joists to treated. It's really a clumsy solution. If I had my "wish" would be nice if the "Balcony" floor could be defined as a "DECK"...or maybe we need a new room type in Chief called a "BALCONY DECK"? You could do a video?
  22. Joe...that did it. I had to change the floor joists and floor finish. Thanks much for the tip! Johnny...thanks for the "post to beam" suggestion. That helped.